First two eggs from the flock.


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 20, 2011
Both from the RiR, about 4 days apart, but what is odd the first eggs are tiny. About half the size of a normal Xlarge. She started around 18 weeks from my calculations, but still somewhat suprised by how small they are.
Its amazing how small the first eggs are! My SLW just started laying, two of them anyway, one egg showed up and then a couple days later the second one showed up then everyday . Its funny , I have an egg carton with progressive eggs. They are still small but are getting a little bigger. I am still waiting on the other SLW, GLW and a couple cochins. I have some younger EEs but they are only around 16 weeks. This is so fun!!!
My chickens' eggs are still small after 6 weeks of laying. Slowly getting bigger. One weighed less than an ounce! Regardless, they taste great. I know they will get bigger in due time. I did get a large one yesterday, a double yolker, from one of my production reds.
Love it congrats on your eggs! Hoping to get more soon. I am still getting and egg a day from my first black hen who is 3 years old and they are twice as big. I am surprised she is still laying.
Congrats!!! That first one or two are like gold arnt they, LOL

Yes perfectly normal to be small and sometimes abnormal shape at first. Start looking all around the coop and run, they usually dont get it in the box the first several times either. It all gets much more normal over the next few weeks though.

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