First visit to "big girl house"


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 30, 2012
Holt MI
Last Wednesday my 8 year old & I decided to quit talking about it and go get six one day old chicks. The have been in his room in the brooder for the past 5 days but yesterday we decided to get to work on their permanently coop. We spent almost all day between buying materials and building it but we finished it up in a day.

So this afternoon we took our six RIR's out to visit and they looked to have a ball chasing each other all around. I guess a 6 x 9 enclosure sure beats their 50 gallon Rubbermaid tote they have been living in. Unfortunately, it was a little chilly and we didn't want to switch the lamps around so they only got to spend about 20 minutes out there but it was pretty neat how after they were done playing they found the sunbeam coming in and laid down in it. We plan on moving the lamp out this weekend and letting them start living there permanently.

My 9 year old beagle also had to get in the mix and it was kind of funny to see this big old dog (compared to the chicks) being backed into a corner by these little chickens, he kept looking at me like can I eat them? He behaved himself though. The younger beagle wasn't quite so gentle in her sniffing and we had to take her out after a little bit as she was too excited and I thought she would trample one of them... At least they didn't try to hurt them.

Anyway, thought I would share as these are the first chickens I've had since we had them on our farm growing up and we've been having a ball with them. I sure don't remember them as being this fun when I was a teenager though.
I know what you mean about finally just doing it! I finally broke down and ordered 4 chicks for the 23rd! I'm so excited! I have a 50 gallon rubbermaid tub set up too! I'm hoping that will be big enough until I actually get a coop. I like your enclosure!! Unfortunately I have no building skills and neither does my husband, so I have to find a pre-made one!! I'm sure your son is very excited! Mine is 12 now and kinda...ehh on the chickens...I think he would rather be playing video games! Layin' in the sunbeams!! Does life get any better!!
My coop is not done but my 3 week old chicks were DONE with the rubbermade tub! I have little skills building; however, I bought pvc pipe and corners (these just snap together basically). I made a frame from the pvc and used zip ties to attach chicken wire to the pvc. Took me about 35 minutes. I hang the heat lamp in the middle. The bottom is not covered. I just put it on cardboard. I figure this will keep them for a while and we don't have to stress over the coop! I put towels on top to help hold the heat in. When they are older, we can use this on the lawn. Or, as my 13 year old says: "It will make a good water polo goal!"

chickens are the best. i have enjoyed every day with them (except three days ago when my dog got most of them
). but i've got 5 new ones & hopes for a better future for these.
I like the PVC design, but if your chicks are anything like mine, that pine stuff will be all over your basement! I set up a good three inch lip of cardboard around the bottom edge of my setup where the sides were mesh, and it seems to help...a teensy bit!
chickens are the best. i have enjoyed every day with them (except three days ago when my dog got most of them
). but i've got 5 new ones & hopes for a better future for these.

Yes, I understand. My son was in the coop with them and thought they were all in the other corner and he backed up and stepped on one. Thankfully it went quick but man, my son cried about three different times that night as he felt so bad. That was the first time I've heard him cry in a long long time.
My coop is not done but my 3 week old chicks were DONE with the rubbermade tub! I have little skills building; however, I bought pvc pipe and corners (these just snap together basically). I made a frame from the pvc and used zip ties to attach chicken wire to the pvc. Took me about 35 minutes. I hang the heat lamp in the middle. The bottom is not covered. I just put it on cardboard. I figure this will keep them for a while and we don't have to stress over the coop! I put towels on top to help hold the heat in. When they are older, we can use this on the lawn. Or, as my 13 year old says: "It will make a good water polo goal!"

Love that design! That would make an excellent outside enclosure you can move around. I think I'm going to look into that.
Yes, I understand. My son was in the coop with them and thought they were all in the other corner and he backed up and stepped on one. Thankfully it went quick but man, my son cried about three different times that night as he felt so bad. That was the first time I've heard him cry in a long long time.

aww..poor guy..I'm sure he feels terrible. Sometimes those things happen though. I hope he feels better soon.
I love actually looks do- able for me! Can you cut the pvc with a regular little hand saw?
My coop is not done but my 3 week old chicks were DONE with the rubbermade tub! I have little skills building; however, I bought pvc pipe and corners (these just snap together basically). I made a frame from the pvc and used zip ties to attach chicken wire to the pvc. Took me about 35 minutes. I hang the heat lamp in the middle. The bottom is not covered. I just put it on cardboard. I figure this will keep them for a while and we don't have to stress over the coop! I put towels on top to help hold the heat in. When they are older, we can use this on the lawn. Or, as my 13 year old says: "It will make a good water polo goal!"

Yes, I understand. My son was in the coop with them and thought they were all in the other corner and he backed up and stepped on one. Thankfully it went quick but man, my son cried about three different times that night as he felt so bad. That was the first time I've heard him cry in a long long time.

Awe, God love him!! Hope he feels better soon!!

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