Five Hamburgs in SE Washington State


11 Years
Mar 5, 2008
Walla Walla
I purchased five Hamburgs in a chick auction. I didn't know much about the breed. Since having gotten them, I don't think they are going to work out for me. I read since that they don't do well with confinement, and I live in town so free-range isn't really an option. They are also more flighty than my other chicks.

I don't know yet what gender they are. They are approx 2 weeks old.

They are from Duane Urch and should be quality birds.

Golden-spangled variety.

I would like $6/ea and they must be picked up.

Anyone interested?
From personal experience, I would say that that statement is not at all true
I have raised the wonderful Hamburg Breed for a year and a half, and if anything, I would say they needed to be confined, because they are somewhat flighty.
Hey that is an interesting take on it. Thanks for the feedback.

Denna, you are about 3 hrs from us. We are up there a couple times a year, not sure when the next time will be. This coming weekend we are going to Othello.
HI Starfroggie, I am actually in the process of selling off my entire Giant Cochine flock

lady coming to see them in the morning
gotta make some room ..
I am driving up to Othello area this weekend and could deliver if anyone en route is interested, make an offer... Now my Wyandottes are beating these guys up :eek:

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