Five month "Newbie"


10 Years
Jan 13, 2014
Hello Backyard Chicken folks! I started my flock in March 2014 with six chicks of unknown sex. I ended up with one Ancona Roo and hen, one Phoenix roo and hen, and two mixed hens. All are alive and well. I then added eight more peeps, six black sex links and two Barr Rocks hens. We built what we thought was a sturdy pen, within a garden pen. They all get along just fine and we are just now getting eggs from the mixed hens, and our Phoenix hen. Our first tragedy happened Wednesday night, two of my younger hens, a Barr Rock and a Sex Link were killed. I suspect a possum or raccoon. Thank goodness for Backyard Chickens. I not only got several great ideas on how to protect the flock, but also see that I was lucky to have lost only two. I now make sure the chickens are in the coop at night, locked in safe. We will be digging a barrier under the coop wire, and electrifying the fence. We may even invest in a Llama.

Thank you Backyard Chicken! I never touched a live chicken, let alone raise them from day old hatch-lings. I couldn't have done it without you.

PS: My avatar is a picture of my two Roos and a sex link
Hello there and welcome to BYC!

So sorry you lost a couple to a predator. These things do happen. But I am glad you found help here! We are just bursting at the seams with knowledge.

You have a gorgeous flock! Very pretty rooster!

Make yourself at home here and if you have any further questions about keeping your flock safe or about anything else, feel free to ask. Welcome to our flock!
Welcome to BYC! Glad you decided to join our flock. I'm so sorry about your losses to a predator. Sounds like your chickens are very secure now. Black Sex Links are my favorite chickens; hardy, friendly egg laying machines. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Good luck with your flock.

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