
Dec 30, 2018
Hi folks,

Noticed my chickens have been scratching around themselves regularly, wings bellies armpits etc. noticed this on my roosters comb.

Is it fleas? I put DE in the coop under the bedding when I cleaned it and in the run but it did t seem to do anything? Any help??
Stick tight fleas... use a permethrin based product... found in the equine section and sold under many names and concentrations of ready to use or mix... Very affordable, easy to use, effective, and no egg withdrawal required if used according to directions! Under $8 this bottle lasted more than 2 years for 82+ birds, 2 large goats, and 3 medium dogs. Used mostly for mosquitoes, but also for poultry lice here. Not sure if stick tights need a follow up treatment but probably to catch any new generations, should be on the label.


ETA: DE is not effective against infestations or in humid environments. It's not welcome here.

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