flies in duck pen


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 24, 2009
Savannah Georgia
Okay I need some help. I have 5 ducks (4 domestic,! muscovey that was found) They are one month old today. They stay in a pen 20 by 25 during the day. They have a pool with a ramp in and out 2 dishes and a 30 gallon container for water. They have a coop I put them in at night. The pen has no cover so that is why I put them up at night. The flies and smell is killing me. I am afraid my neighbors will complain and call the police. What do I do to control the smell and reduce the number of flies. I do not want to get rid of my ducks. Also, I am having knee sugerey on July 6th. and need to something before so my granddaughter 12and 1/2 can take care of them for me. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Anne
Although cedar bedding is toxic to ducks, I've read woodchips arent. Sprinkle some around the pen where the flies are. Cedar helps cut back on bugs, since bugs hate cedar.

I'm traveling through Georgia next month on my way to Florida, and have a question about Rock City. I'll PM you about it since its totally off topic!
If you have grass in their pen, dump the water into the grass because for me, the moisture is what attracts the flies... the grass will absorb it and the dirty water that is dumped is what smells so when the grass absorbs the water, it absorbs the smell, too! If you don't have grass in your pen... plants would work too.. or..? Hope that helps!
I try to keep my pen as dry as I am able. With the ducks having a play pool it is hard but I move it around to keep area dry and areas that get wet I throw DE on the area. I also then get my laying boxes with the DE and as I pass by my chickens and ducks do a little sprinkle under the wings and on the bun buns. Seems to help with the flys and smell.
I sprinkle DE and then cover that with pine shavings. Add more a couple times a week. No smell, only a few flies...but Chrissy usually eats them
I use pea gravel in the cage easy to just wash off..I also have a couple sticky fly paper hanging in the corners and Trap and Toss Fly Traps
Handy, disposable fly trap can be hung or set down. Attracts and kills flies without insecticides. Holds over 10,000 flies. For use around pets or livestock. Special attractant contains multiple feeding stimulants plus a fly sex attractant. Easy-to-use- just squeeze in attractant and add water.
They work great...

Can get them a TSC..

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