Flighty, athletic, submissive


In the Brooder
Feb 26, 2021

I rescued this little gal as her previous flock liked to pick on her. I would love to know what breed you think she may be (or a mix is possible as well). Here are the things that might be helpful to know:
  • She is flighty, submissive and does not trust easily
  • She is super athletic, quick, agile, flies really well
  • She is about the size of my Barnevelder. Noticeably smaller than my Marans.
  • She has cute puffy cheeks and lays medium-sized blue eggs
  • She has dark legs
  • She has 5 toes
  • She will often walk very upright, almost on her tip toes
  • She is submissive and not incredibly social (with humans or animals)
  • She can really scream (I do not hear her cluck much though, just screaming when she is scared. Maybe this is a breed thing, or maybe not)
Please excuse the poor quality of the photo. The only way I could get a decent one is through a window and even then, she is starting to run away here. I am hoping that knowing a bit more about her will help me to understand her better.

Since she has five toes, a mini crest (I think), feathered legs, but lays blue eggs, has fluffy cheeks, and slate(?) shanks, I'd guess she's a Sultan(or Silkie)/Ameraucana (or EE) mix. I can't tell the comb type from the picture...that'd help narrow it down.
Sultan or more probably, a Sultan mix.
I just looked up the Sultan - there are definitely some similarities there. Especially being susceptible to bullying. I just watched a video and she moves similarly to them too. I think there is a good case to make that she is a mix, with Sultan and something that gave her the dark legs/blue egg/larger bird genes. My hunch is there is some Ameraucana in her.

Thank you for this, I think this might give me more insight on how to help her integrate more easily into our little flock.
Since she has five toes, a mini crest (I think), feathered legs, but lays blue eggs, has fluffy cheeks, and slate(?) shanks, I'd guess she's a Sultan(or Silkie)/Ameraucana (or EE) mix. I can't tell the comb type from the picture...that'd help narrow it down.
The comb is almost identical to my olive egger, who is an Ameraucana/BCM mix. Definitely a pea comb.

Thank you very much!!
I just looked up the Sultan - there are definitely some similarities there. Especially being susceptible to bullying. I just watched a video and she moves similarly to them too. I think there is a good case to make that she is a mix, with Sultan and something that gave her the dark legs/blue egg/larger bird genes. My hunch is there is some Ameraucana in her.

Thank you for this, I think this might give me more insight on how to help her integrate more easily into our little flock.
I missed the blue egg part of your post. I think probably an Ameraucana/Sultan mix.

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