Floating Duck House Plans?

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The OP of this thread needs help.

We found your older thread of the floating duck house that you built and I thought that you could give her some advice.
Hi folks!

Anything for fellow duck folks.

Do you have any specific questions I can answer?

In the meantime, here are some things I’ve learned from my build:
1. I should have built a bigger platform, our ducks prefer to sun out and this build only had a foot around the central structure.
2. Anchoring the house is important especially if you’re in a windy area.
3. I wish I left it on the ground a bit more so I could get our ducks acclimated and used to climb the ramps (they learned on their own)
4. Four barrels were way more than enough for the weight, you can actually see the platform floating high in the water. Either build a taller ‘skirt’, bigger platform, let some water into the barrels (make sure to let the same amount as it will affect overall balance), or use less barrels.

I’ll add more as I think of them.
Here’s a picture of the duckies around it. I also had a video, but I think videos are not allowed here.

5CCFAE68-AD0B-43C9-9B07-0CD1ED696E6D.jpeg EE04815E-C3B7-4018-AB60-75E81C719DFC.jpeg
Hi folks!

Anything for fellow duck folks.

Do you have any specific questions I can answer?

In the meantime, here are some things I’ve learned from my build:
1. I should have built a bigger platform, our ducks prefer to sun out and this build only had a foot around the central structure.
2. Anchoring the house is important especially if you’re in a windy area.
3. I wish I left it on the ground a bit more so I could get our ducks acclimated and used to climb the ramps (they learned on their own)
4. Four barrels were way more than enough for the weight, you can actually see the platform floating high in the water. Either build a taller ‘skirt’, bigger platform, let some water into the barrels (make sure to let the same amount as it will affect overall balance), or use less barrels.

I’ll add more as I think of them.
Here’s a picture of the duckies around it. I also had a video, but I think videos are not allowed here.

View attachment 1865968View attachment 1865969
Nice! I’m wondering what you do to keep your ducks secure? How about collecting eggs? Thanks for sharing!
Well, it’s an involved answer.

First the topology of our property is that the house is on top of a hill and the lake is at the bottom of said hill. We do have some coyotes in the neighborhood but they stay on the other side of the lake.

Somewhat to my chagrin, my wife had spoiled the ducks so that they come up and stay close to the house during the night.

So during the day they will swim in the lake, stay in the shade on the closer bank and then come up at night.

The way I built the house it had two very wide doors with latches that made it super easy to clean and/or collect the eggs.

That said, they prefer to lay their eggs up by our house, which frankly I don’t mind as it saves me the need to take the boat out to it. Now if I could only get them to only poop down by the lake I’d be thrilled...
Hi folks!

Anything for fellow duck folks.

Do you have any specific questions I can answer?

In the meantime, here are some things I’ve learned from my build:
1. I should have built a bigger platform, our ducks prefer to sun out and this build only had a foot around the central structure.
2. Anchoring the house is important especially if you’re in a windy area.
3. I wish I left it on the ground a bit more so I could get our ducks acclimated and used to climb the ramps (they learned on their own)
4. Four barrels were way more than enough for the weight, you can actually see the platform floating high in the water. Either build a taller ‘skirt’, bigger platform, let some water into the barrels (make sure to let the same amount as it will affect overall balance), or use less barrels.

I’ll add more as I think of them.
Here’s a picture of the duckies around it. I also had a video, but I think videos are not allowed here.

View attachment 1865968View attachment 1865969

Many thanks!

Do you think that two barrels would be sufficient or do you think it may tip if for some reason something heavy got up on one side of it?
How is your duck house anchored? (Cinder blocks or tied to something on the shore?)
How many ducks does your house hold? I've got four now but want more in the spring.
I am actually thinking about doing a square platform so that will help provide duck sun bathing area and I will take your advice and go at least 2' out from the house.

You did a great job on the duck house and I thank you again for your tips and observations.
Well, two barrels should be enough, but make sure they are balanced evenly across the platform. Also, Each barrel can support 440-450Lbs. So keep that in mind when you build the platform. Also, it is important that you secure the barrels to their spot (see my build thread). Frankly, if I built another duck house like this, I’d probably go with 2.

It fits 4 comfortably, but again, if I build another one I’d probably make it bigger.

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