Flock Beginnings-I have an idea!

Nov 7, 2021
Lyric's World
You know, there comes a time when you have to acknowledge when it is a procrastination thing. Oh, I do it in the name of "I'm researching . . . " but by golly. TODAY, I want to go get my chicks. I left them in the store on Saturday; but they really need to come home to Mamma.

One question-what if scenario . . . I DO have a hygrometer and it says temp inside here is 82.4 with 35% humility. Ok. so if I pick up the chicks today (they are about a week old at Tractor Supply) and I place them in their brooder and they do the chicken huddle. Would I be able to go get the heat plate tomorrow or better yet Friday or would they be dead by then? :he

Thanks in advance for any kind response.
How old are they?
The ones we saw on Saturday were a week old. I have NOT picked them up yet. Just called the store to see if they still have chicks. Of course the Clerk did not have time to go back there and take an inventory (rolling my eyes, he should have; ha ha ha ha).

You know, it's a shame how my day p/t job gets in the way of my chicken shopping. I have to go to work tomorrow; won't have time to go waaaay into town. Not paid again until Friday thus the timeframe I asked about in my op. IF I got them today (free time) I could return on Friday for a lamp IF necessary. It has been pretty warm here in GA and there is no, umm, how do you say, ummmmmm, what is the unit called that cools your whole house. Brain fart going on right this second.

Ugghhh, what is it called, yaw'll? Well, you know what I mean. We ain't got it.
TSC should carry heat plates so you could see if you can get one at the same time you get the chicks. Otherwise, I'd wait until you have everything you need before getting some.

The chicks you saw on Saturday may be gone and replaced with younger chicks if they've been bought.
TSC should carry heat plates so you could see if you can get one at the same time you get the chicks. Otherwise, I'd wait until you have everything you need before getting some.

The chicks you saw on Saturday may be gone and replaced with younger chicks if they've been bought.
Yup, that's what I was thinking as well. :thumbsup
You know, there comes a time when you have to acknowledge when it is a procrastination thing. Oh, I do it in the name of "I'm researching . . . " but by golly. TODAY, I want to go get my chicks. I left them in the store on Saturday; but they really need to come home to Mamma.

One question-what if scenario . . . I DO have a hygrometer and it says temp inside here is 82.4 with 35% humility. Ok. so if I pick up the chicks today (they are about a week old at Tractor Supply) and I place them in their brooder and they do the chicken huddle. Would I be able to go get the heat plate tomorrow or better yet Friday or would they be dead by then? :he

Thanks in advance for any kind response.

You need to have the brooder fully set up with the heat in place before you get the chicks.

Tiny babies are vulnerable and delicate.

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