Flock Dog Reccomendations


Jul 9, 2021
I am wondering if anyone has any guard dog recommendations for chickens based on experience. Need dog that is alert any time day or night and that van stay with flock day and night. Strong and defensive enough to take on and remove threats of animals such as racoon and coyote. Any input us appreciated.
A dog is more likely to protect it's territory than the actual chickens themselves. Is the area you want protected fenced in? If you plan to have the dog loose with the chickens it will most likely require a lot of training, otherwise it may kill the chickens itself. A single dog is unlikely to be capable of taking down coyotes.
If you want something that stays outside 24/7 and is on the job at all times of the day and night, an electric fence is truly the better option. Dogs, being living things, are variable and fallible, and even if you get the most highly recommended guardian type dog it may not work out the way you want it to in the end.
I am wondering if anyone has any guard dog recommendations for chickens based on experience. Need dog that is alert any time day or night and that van stay with flock day and night. Strong and defensive enough to take on and remove threats of animals such as racoon and coyote. Any input us appreciated.
I came here looking for suggestions for the same question. I have a fenced in acreage, I have a secure coop and a gated run, and I still have predator problems. We have reinforced our run after losing our entire flock of 30+ birds in the middle of the day by a Lynx this winter. We have fox, coyote, lynx, and the occasional wolf and bear. We have dogs now, but the only protective one we have is aging and its time I consider his retirement. I’m considering an Anatolian Shepherd, a Great Pyrenees was on our list as well but after talking to some farming friends with LGD experience they advised me that the GP breed tend to bark a lot, 24/7, and that won’t work for our neighbours. I need to deter the predators that have become quite comfortable stalking our pen and coop and I think a LGD is the answer for me.
I came here looking for suggestions for the same question. I have a fenced in acreage, I have a secure coop and a gated run, and I still have predator problems. We have reinforced our run after losing our entire flock of 30+ birds in the middle of the day by a Lynx this winter. We have fox, coyote, lynx, and the occasional wolf and bear. We have dogs now, but the only protective one we have is aging and its time I consider his retirement. I’m considering an Anatolian Shepherd, a Great Pyrenees was on our list as well but after talking to some farming friends with LGD experience they advised me that the GP breed tend to bark a lot, 24/7, and that won’t work for our neighbours. I need to deter the predators that have become quite comfortable stalking our pen and coop and I think a LGD is the answer for me.
With a predator load like that I would suggest three adult Anatolians, definitely 2 years or older. Definitely at least two dogs, but three or more would be better, those are serious predators. There is a FB group for finding LGD's you can join.
I'd still think that a serious electric fence will work for your land predators, and be less expensive to set up and maintain.
Two or three big guard dogs will take a lot of time and effort to train, and meanwhile you still need good electric fencing.
Good luck, it's just miserable to loose birds, as we have here. Hope you can find what you are looking for.
I came here looking for suggestions for the same question. I have a fenced in acreage, I have a secure coop and a gated run, and I still have predator problems. We have reinforced our run after losing our entire flock of 30+ birds in the middle of the day by a Lynx this winter. We have fox, coyote, lynx, and the occasional wolf and bear. We have dogs now, but the only protective one we have is aging and its time I consider his retirement. I’m considering an Anatolian Shepherd, a Great Pyrenees was on our list as well but after talking to some farming friends with LGD experience they advised me that the GP breed tend to bark a lot, 24/7, and that won’t work for our neighbours. I need to deter the predators that have become quite comfortable stalking our pen and coop and I think a LGD is the answer for me.
We are in the process of installing a 6 ft tall chain link fence around the entire area and then will be running a hot wire around the entire enclosure but also wanted to back that up with a guard dog inside the enclosure. Was hoping someone had some experience with a specific dog breed that worked best for them. I guess I will just continue to do research and hopefully pick a winner that with proper training will be the added protection we are looking for. Good luck with your LGD. Please keep me updated on how things progress. Thanks for the input.

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