Flock Master64's Coop/Hutch Photo Contest!

All my chickens love their swings I made 2
All my chickens love their swings I made 2

The more toys, chairs, stumps, etc penned chickens have will keep the boredom down! My yard is divided with a rabbit fence between the chickens' side and the "people's" side and even though open-ranged, I let my chickens into the people side a couple times a week just for a change from their side of the yard. Even my current house chicken likes the change of leaving the house once in a while for a romp in the yard before scurrying back into the house (we are slowly integrating her with the backyard chickens in hopes of making it a complete transition soon). The snotty aloof Silkies are starting to accept the new Breda juvenile. We took the barrier down for an hour today and they all foraged around together. Wish I took my camera but I didn't want to run into the house and miss out on what was going on with the girls. It's always a nail biter for me introducing a new juvenile to older hens but so far so good.
There are some great coops here!

This is ours .. designed for sub tropical heat/humidity and torrential rain. The coop floor is slatted timber for coolness, ventilation and ease of cleaning in that it slides out. With the floor out the raised coop is easy to duck under and get in to clean etc:

Shade tarp runs under the suntuf corrugated roofing which allows for two layers in summer and one in winter.
There are some great coops here! :clap This is ours .. designed for sub tropical heat/humidity and torrential rain. The coop floor is slatted timber for coolness, ventilation and ease of cleaning in that it slides out. With the floor out the raised coop is easy to duck under and get in to clean etc: Shade tarp runs under the suntuf corrugated roofing which allows for two layers in summer and one in winter. Wow that's beautiful! I love it!
Thank you Flock Master64, it works well in our climate.

Sylvester017 in reply to your ovation .. no sore toes, the slat spaces are not very wide. If they were in there a lot, walking on it all day etc, there could be the potential for temporarily trapping a toe but with our climate the coop is basically only used for laying of eggs and sleeping. Most nights I watch them go to roost and no one appears to have any issues.

They seem to catch their toes and foot feathers more often on the unspaced timber decking under the gazebo than they do on the coop floor

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