Flock Picking on Hen


Jun 7, 2020
I have mixed flock of 14 EE, Brahmas, Polish and Sultans. I have one Sultan Rooster. They are 16 weeks old.
Yesterday, I heard a commotion and my first thought was there was a predator in their run. It turned out to be the EE hens attacking my sweet Sultan hen. I thought she was dead! No blood was drawn but she was laying on her side with the other hens on top of her. I picked her up and chased everyone off. Things calmed down and there was still one EE hen coming over trying to peck the Sultan hen.

I removed the EE hen and quarantined her for a few hours. When I put her back, things seemed fine.
I know mixed flocks can be tricky but my other coop is mixed with similar breeds and they are 5 years old, never had this problem.

I am wondering if the rooster is causing a different dynamic. He is a Sultan, so aside from crowing occasionally, he doesn’t really act much like a rooster. He’s very sweet, and the low man on the totem pole.

Any suggestions would be most appreciated! Thanks
I would just make sure she has obstacles she can run behind , go under and go around to escape her tormentors. A few perches she can get up and out the way to get her some relief. If possible a extra feeding/ watering station so there's no competition eating. Sadly someone has to be at the bottom of the pecking order. Are the breeds in the other mixed flock the same? Some breeds need more space than others; some breeds are more assertive than others.

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