Flock problems

Tell us about your coop and run.
How much total room do your chickens have?
Someone will always be at the bottom of the pecking list. Being able to have room to run and places to escape are crucial.
If she is being plucked without mercy it sounds like not.
How about roost space?
Do you light the coop?
Pictures could help.
Was she separated for a time? Perhaps they're trying to settle the pecking order with her? Is there a possibility that she did something that upset the others? Is she sick or injured? You might have to separate her. Do they free-range?
With Sparkles (this happened to her), I let her free-range by herself all the time and had her sleep in my shed. She had been with her flock for almost a year and then she attacked some Black Australorp pullets. Nalla had decided to adopt those pullets when they moved into the flock and didn't approve of Sparkles being mean to them. So Nalla went to her friend Shiloh (Shiloh was second to top of the pecking order, second in command of the flock, had second to most say), and had Shiloh turn the whole flock against Sparkles. Next thing I knew, Sparkles' hackles was gone with horrible injuries all over and had the whole flock attacking her constantly. That's when I separated her. Sparkles was a RIR, and due to the injuries that the hens did to her, she had some hackles grow back white. I tried moving her into a different flock, but she wouldn't stay, so that's why I had her free-range all the time.
Perhaps your hen is dealing with something like what Sparkles went through?
This is a change of subject but my chickens are all 17 weeks old. They have been with me since they were 3 days old. I raised them all as loving pets spending hours with them each day. All sit in my lap to be petted. On the day he was 15 weeks old my beautiful sweet loving Welsummer rooster (only cockerel)became the chicken from hell. He tortured the girls pulling feathers. He would not let them eat or drink. They were afraid to go in the coop with him. He turned against me and everybody else. He tore open my hand and tried to fight me and the girls every day! He went to live with a friend who has lots of acres for him to run freely and lots of chickens. These 6 pullets are very happy and peaceful. The Barred Rock has assumed the role of queen and all seems well. My question is do I need to replace the rooster. These chickens have been together all their life and are happy. I don't need fertilized eggs. I want what is best for them.
Was she separated for a time? Perhaps they're trying to settle the pecking order with her? Is there a possibility that she did something that upset the others? Is she sick or injured? You might have to separate her. Do they free-range?
With Sparkles (this happened to her), I let her free-range by herself all the time and had her sleep in my shed. She had been with her flock for almost a year and then she attacked some Black Australorp pullets. Nalla had decided to adopt those pullets when they moved into the flock and didn't approve of Sparkles being mean to them. So Nalla went to her friend Shiloh (Shiloh was second to top of the pecking order, second in command of the flock, had second to most say), and had Shiloh turn the whole flock against Sparkles. Next thing I knew, Sparkles' hackles was gone with horrible injuries all over and had the whole flock attacking her constantly. That's when I separated her. Sparkles was a RIR, and due to the injuries that the hens did to her, she had some hackles grow back white. I tried moving her into a different flock, but she wouldn't stay, so that's why I had her free-range all the time.
Perhaps your hen is dealing with something like what Sparkles went through?
I have tried separating her from them but she goes crazy and is very loud and freaks out when shes separated. We got three easter egger chicks and the four other ones one day later so they were without each other for like a day, but we got rid of two of the easter eggers because they were roosters. We have lots of room in their run and lots of perching space. In thier run all you see is her white feathers on the ground!! When we try to pick her up she's so scared too

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