Flock Raiser + Oyster Shell = Layena?


9 Years
May 3, 2010
Northern Virginia
OK, I know that Flock Raiser and Layena are not the same thing. I'm feeding 20 pullets (who are beginning to lay) + 1 Rooster + 1 Drake + 5 ducks (who are also laying). They share an inside area but they have separate pens so the ducks cannot get to the chicken food.

We feed all of the birds Flock Raiser mixed with whole oats to get the protein down to about 16%. We supplement with grit and oyster shell - free choice.

Now that they are beginning to lay do we change the chickens over to layena or can we keep them on the Flock Raiser (which would be easier for us?).

Advice please, I'm heading out to get feed tomorrow night.

You've got free choice crushed oyster shell, you don't need to buy a laying feed. Stick with the general purpose feed for the flock.

I don't provide layer feed any more, with so many different ages of chickens in the flock. Just the equivalent of FlockRaiser and the crushed oyster shell. Oh, and lots of high protein treats. ;-)
Why lower the protein? Layer feed pretty much has the minimum protein needed since that's the most expensive part. Many people have found giving them extra protein is helpful and some go as high as 28%. I was using game bird starter at 22% for all of mine from chick to adult and just putting out oyster shell for the ones that needed more calcium.
We lower the protein to keep the level consistent with the Layena. Flock Raiser is 20% protein and Layena is 16% protein. We have to lower the protein for the ducks or they will be too heavy it's just been easier to mix the same food for the chickens. Now everyone is getting 16% protein. We will increase their protein when they moult.

Is there any downside to giving chickens too much protein? If ducks get too heavy they begin to have problems laying. Can the same thing happen in chickens?
I blend three different bags of feed together in one metal garbage can that holds just barely three 50 lbs bags. I mix Layena and DUMOR layers with Flock Raiser. One of the bags is usally pellets just to give them something different gobble down. I have been doing this mix, when I can since last spring. I like the Animal protein in DUMOR. I do a similar mix with my chick starter, blending both DUMOR 24% and Purina chick start with Flock Raiser as well. I also like to pull weeds and chuck them into my pens. That is a great place to get rid of weeds.
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Does someone have a feed tag for Dumor? I am not doubting what anyone says here, but I have read the Dumpr tags at TSC & don't remember seeing animal protein. Thanks.
Does someone have a feed tag for Dumor? I am not doubting what anyone says here, but I have read the Dumpr tags at TSC & don't remember seeing animal protein. Thanks.

One of the Ole timers who I listened to told me to not be so tight and get DUMOR. He said the use animal by products from mostly pork. Pig noses, and stuff people won't eat and ground it in their feed. I never doubted Larry. And never did read the tag. I just took his word. I am sure there is more info on the net.
I use flock raiser with oyster on the side. treats of scratch and sun flower, plus they free range and get fruit snacks . I just read an article in Back Yard Poultry that said the reason she doesn't like animal protein is because, it can contain bacteria bad for your chicks. she doesn't trust animal protein source used in commercial rations. So I guess it is up to the individual. How much time to you have to grow your own worms in the winter?
I think there's a couple reasons people are leery of animal protein in feed.

One, although it was cattle and not chickens, the source of the mad cow disease in Britain was imported tainted animal protein added to the feed. Not saying that's the same thing added to Dumor or other chicken feed with animal protein, but if you aren't sure of the source of the animal protein, why take the risk? Who knows where Dumor acquires the animal protein it adds to the feed? Is Dumor made in the USA under FDA regulations?

Chickens may not be susceptible to mad cow, but what about salmonella? The feed which infected that chicken factory's birds was tainted with salmonella. Just because a feed is made by a big company doesn't mean it's free of problems.

If I'm going to give my chickens animal protein, I'll give them kitchen scraps from meals that I fed my family.

Two, if you sell eggs to people who are interested in concerns like PETA, animal products in their diets, or eating organically, they are often reassured by knowing you don't feed your chickens animal protein. I sell eggs to ovo-lactarian vegetarians (they eat dairy and eggs but no meat) and they're thrilled to find produce they can be comfortable adding to their diets. Although I'm not producing organically, it's close enough for them to be happy.

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