Flock rejecting one of their own!


5 Years
May 7, 2014
Hi All! New to the chicken business... We did guineas last year but my curious crew did not survive mother nature in our back country. We have a nice coop and run set up with our chickens and will only free range when we are around....

We recently came into ownership of 5 Red Star/Austalorp mixes. They are about 24 weeks old and laying (the appeal to getting grown vs. raising!). We've had them less than a week and it seems 4 of the chickens have started picking on the other chicken. It has only been going on a day or two that I've really noticed. The chicken seems healthy, but a lot of what I'm reading is the chickens are smarter than I am and are rejecting the chicken for a reason. I'm just wondering if it could be due to the stress of relocation and they just need to work it out.

I hate to over react, but I hate to not react at all and have this chicken be tortured! I'm an animal lover so stressed animals mean stressed ME!
Welcome! How much space do they have? Were they all together at the previous owner's? Have they been treated for lice/ mites? Moving is a huge stress, and some birds are just more timid than others. If space is good, try more toys and multiple feeding and watering stations. Mary
They have a 4'x8' coop and a 10'x8' run. We have a large yard that I'll eventually let them free-range in but I want to give them a couple weeks in the run/coop to know 'home'. They were all together previously and even the first few days they were all very 'together'. I currently only have 1 perch in the coop (the entire 8' of the back), do you think they need another? I'll add some toys for them...Thanks for the advice!
Chickens peck each other.... it's how they roll...there's almost always one bird that everyone else pecks, that's the 'low bird'.
As long as there's no blood drawn and/or she's not getting pinned down/trapped and abused just let them be.

It seems vicious...but if you observe closely you'll probably see that the pecked bird might squawk loudly, maybe runs a fair distance away then resumes her chickeny pecking/scratching at the ground like it's no big deal.

They are probably all a little stressed due to the new environment, and may be establishing the pecking order in their 'new' flock also.
Just give them time and watch for injuries.

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