
The crops that do survive will have decreased yields, too. Right now they are figuring at least a 25% decrease. Even here our crops are suffering from all the rain and colder weather much less where the fields have become big lakes.
oh no. tonight it is going to be 60*. We had 2 days that were in the 70s this year. I better not complain or the heat will hit
Blog from a Columbus Junction resident


The town does not have any water right now that is safe so they are giving bottled water out at the High School. We don't need it though. We aren't on the cities water supply with our own well. I'm not sure what's gonna happen with so many of our town's businesses under water. Our only grocery store, our only gas station, Subway, Dollar General, Dr. office, vet office, ect. (about 22 in all) under water.

All the nursing home patients had to be transported to Washington, IA due to the no water issue.

Many of the roads under water are damaged and may not open for some time as they will need repairs once the water goes down. Dad can finally get to work in the morning. It will only take him 2 hours of detour for his 25 min. drive. It was a 4 hour detour until this afternoon when one of the major highways opened up. He still has to go up to Iowa City and then around and back down to Muscatine for work though. It's crazy but at least there is a way to get there. I haven't left the house since yesterday so I have no clue what it really looks like down there if they will even let you near it. It was only 75 degrees here today. Actually felt kinda chilly. My corn for my own use looks really scrawny with all the rain and cloudy days we have had. Iowa has 83 of 99 counties affected by the floods:(
wow your dad is really going to be spending a lot for gas now.

I have the same problem with my corn, I am going to replant a small patch for myself.

This is a regular fixture on the news now. Havent heard from anyone from down river.
Yep, he is but it's the only way to work so he has too.

I've heard the flood is moving on down the river. It was in Burlington, IA yesterday causing a mess there. They have a huge backup of barge traffic also as all the locks and dams are closed to barge traffic from Muscatine, IA to Winfield, MO last I heard.
Wow. This is really awful. I see it on the news but to read about it from fellow BYCers is something else. I hope that all is well. Here, not enough rain and the state is on fire everywhere, but we are safe from them, just ash on the cars. Again, I hope all is well.
I just found this thread today. Viewed your pictures, thanks for sharing, I am practically in tears, how are the floods now?
I just found this thread today. Viewed your pictures, thanks for sharing, I am practically in tears, how are the floods now?

In our town the water went down 3 feet but there is still water everywhere. I heard on the news even more levees down river have broken and taken out entire towns:( The flood water just keeps moving down river and affecting more people, towns, and states.
In Burlington, IA today they found a pig in the water and rescued it and named it River. They showed it on our noon news. I'm not sure if they are going to have to rebuild our downtown businesses or if they can clean them up. The water was up to the roofs on them and it didn't get that bad in 1993. I hope they get a clean water supply soon for all the people's sakes. I am going to have to have our well water tested just to be sure it's safe as we had 4 feet high water run through our pasture during a rain storm here. The water just had no where to go. News just came on Adams county IL had 2 levees break:(
Yep, 2 levees broke this morning just south of us in Adams county. Our bottom land will slowly be filled with water. If you watch the Early Show, you saw our little town of Warsaw, IL on there. They are trying to save the water pump station. We have spent hours filling sandbags this week. My husband has been working nights to fortify the temporary raised gravel road that has been built to keep the Keokuk-Hamilton bridge open. I am heartsick over all that people have lost today. I have heard the the government will not allow people to rebuild or repair their houses in the bottoms this time around. And despite the bridge being "open" travel isn't really being recommended unless it if for work or an emergency. So I had a neighbor pick up chicken feed today in Carthage. It definitely cost us more. This will have an effect on this entire local community.
I hope you save the pump station. People in our town were still trying to save it as the levee broke and had to be forced to leave:( I was going to look into getting a job in town so I didn't have to drive so far but almost all the major business in town flooded.

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