We built our coop the spring/summer of 2006. It's 8 x 8 and split down the middle (ducks have one side, the chickens have the other). There are two runs.
The floor is made up of plywood which I treated with a wood sealant/stain/water-proofing stuff about two weeks before my chicks arrived from McMurray's. I have tried straw, shavings & bare floor. Nothing seems to work. The ducks are absolutely FILTHY and their poop seems a lot more watery & distructive.
So my question is--how do you combat the smell & mess?
My husband refuses to go in there & when I'm not home, he feeds the eggs to the dogs because they get too "poopy" even in the nest boxes. Why is my poultry more filthy than everyone else's? LOL My nest boxes have straw in them & I change that about once a week.
As for the inside floor of the coop, I've been shoveling & sweeping it about once every two weeks. It's incredibly dusty and makes me sick.
Ideas? Help!?
The floor is made up of plywood which I treated with a wood sealant/stain/water-proofing stuff about two weeks before my chicks arrived from McMurray's. I have tried straw, shavings & bare floor. Nothing seems to work. The ducks are absolutely FILTHY and their poop seems a lot more watery & distructive.
So my question is--how do you combat the smell & mess?
My husband refuses to go in there & when I'm not home, he feeds the eggs to the dogs because they get too "poopy" even in the nest boxes. Why is my poultry more filthy than everyone else's? LOL My nest boxes have straw in them & I change that about once a week.
As for the inside floor of the coop, I've been shoveling & sweeping it about once every two weeks. It's incredibly dusty and makes me sick.
Ideas? Help!?