Came home to find Cinny Minnie, my New Hamphshire, floating in the pool, but dry and sitting upright with her head thrown back and still. I got her out with the net and she was limp but I noticed and eye slowly close and her feathers ruffle so I wrapped her up in a towel and then held her close to me for body warmth while I scrounged up the other two and put them in the coop. She just laid limp and kept letting hr head fall back into that awful extended position but I wrapped her up and sat her in the pet carrier taxi.
Wow!! That sounds scary!Glad you came home in time to save her.
I just moved my babies outside into the coop.They are all feathered out and getting BIG! Its still not finished on the inside but they were just getting too big to wait another 2 weeks for my help to arrive to work on the inside walls.So I just put up temporary wall and floor coverings for now until we can finish it properly.Last night was the first night outside for them.I am going nuts waiting for the sun to come up to go check on them.LOL! Who knew I'd go so crazy for chickies?
Hello! I am in Plant City (west central FL) and looking for a few chicks- some Black Astralorps, Buff Orpingtons, Delawares, maybe Speckled Sussex- along with 1 rooster chick. Most of the online hatcheries aren't shipping yet or have minimum orders of 25. I'd rather only get about a dozen, and I'd really rather find something local. I've had a bad experience at a swap, where the chickens I got were not the healtiest, so I'm trying to find either a local breeder or hatchery instead. Does anyone know of anyone in my area? Thanks for any sggestions!
Hey Harmony! I'm in Tampa and get all of my chicks at Holloways Chicken Coops (Feed Store) in Land O Lakes. He usually has 6 or so varities every week, but they have been super happy and healthy this season. I know he had some buffs when I was there earlier this week. I have to head up today to get some more shavings, so I'll let you know what's there.
Hello bamitsbrittany neighbor,
I love this site so much info on it. Have you found any local breeders that you like for say Polish or other fancy chicks? We got half our flock from Harold's feed supply off MacIntosh. So far all our babies from there has done great. We have EE, BO, BSL, and austrolope. We have a white silkie too but they're all babies still.
we have decided to raise roos to 20 wks then butcher. It seemed crazy to feed them just to sell them for peanuts. We eat a lot of chicken and what better chicken than what we raise ourselves. Im fortunate my DH is a farm boy and slaughtering livestock was a way of life for him growing up.

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