My DH keeps saying we should get a dairy cow. As much milk as my two boys go through it would be cheaper and I'd have to mow my lawn a lot less. But problem is... HE wants the cow and I know who's gonna have to milk it and take care of it- ME! :D Thats what started our chicken math attacks.... He says "we have this big shed, we should build a pen and coop and get some chickens." So I build the pen while he's at work, build more cages and pens and nesting boxes, and I feed them and collect the eggs. And the chicken math hasn't stopped yet! ROFL 21 outside, 11 are almost 8 weeks, the rest are 6+ months. And 32 eggs in the incubators, and a dozen more eggs on the way! *grins* I blame it ALL on him!
LOL!! I've been wanting a dairy goat for about 10 years now. Al I need to do is move a little further out and get a little more acreage and I'll be good to go.
Goats might not multiply as fast as chickens, but they multiply just the same! We have 4 now, but if we don't sell most of our kids when they are born- in less than 2 years I can see how we could be swimming in them. LOL.
Nice share dezziy! I seriously asked my husband for a goat a few weeks ago and almost impulse bought a potbelly pig when I stopped for feed... chickens are a gateway animal!
lmao they are!!!! I been thinking of getting some call ducks hehehe ..... but that video is sooo true"!!
My DH keeps saying we should get a dairy cow. As much milk as my two boys go through it would be cheaper and I'd have to mow my lawn a lot less. But problem is... HE wants the cow and I know who's gonna have to milk it and take care of it- ME! :D  Thats what started our chicken math attacks.... He says "we have this big shed, we should build a pen and coop and get some chickens." So I build the pen while he's at work, build more cages and pens and nesting boxes, and I feed them and collect the eggs. And the chicken math hasn't stopped yet! ROFL 21 outside, 11 are almost 8 weeks, the rest are 6+ months.  And 32 eggs in the incubators, and a dozen more eggs on the way! *grins* I blame it ALL on him!
lol we alway get stuck taking care of the animals lol but a cow for milk would be awsome
My DH keeps saying we should get a dairy cow. As much milk as my two boys go through it would be cheaper and I'd have to mow my lawn a lot less. But problem is... HE wants the cow and I know who's gonna have to milk it and take care of it- ME! :D  Thats what started our chicken math attacks.... He says "we have this big shed, we should build a pen and coop and get some chickens." So I build the pen while he's at work, build more cages and pens and nesting boxes, and I feed them and collect the eggs. And the chicken math hasn't stopped yet! ROFL 21 outside, 11 are almost 8 weeks, the rest are 6+ months.  And 32 eggs in the incubators, and a dozen more eggs on the way! *grins* I blame it ALL on him!
your lucky I wish I could get a incubator but my luck every egg would be a rooster lol but my friend hatches eggs so I could go there and get my fix lol
lol we alway get stuck taking care of the animals lol but a cow for milk would be awsome
I always said if I was ever to get a dairy cow I would want one of those lovely Jerseys. They have such pretty faces.
oh those are soooooooo cute!!!!!! I bet it would be a lot of hard work but so worth it .... i have 3 boys and they go through milk lile crazy!!!
Did you know that there are mini jerseys that are perfect for the small homestead farm? Most are only 36 to 39 inches high and give approx. 3 gallons of milk a day...They require less space and feed and are said to be friendly and easy to handle.And they are the cutest darn things I have ever seen.
Did you know that there are mini jerseys that are perfect for the small homestead farm? Most are only 36 to 39 inches high and give approx. 3 gallons of milk a day...They require less space and feed and are said to be friendly and easy to handle.And they are the cutest darn things I have ever seen.
omg to cute ill have to them up when i get home "!! Of course we could not only get one because it would be lonley and need a friend hehehe

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