I remember those storms. The only damage I had luckily, was a large tree limb fell onto my fence but surprisingly the birds didn't try to get out. I closed the coops up because the wind was so strong and driving the rain sideways. I had quite a few limbs come down but no trees came down.

This is Patty. She loves my husband and will look for him when she is out. He gives her treats and if he is sitting in his chair she will peck at him for treats just to remind him she is there.
Patty is a beauty!!! I wish I could let my chickens roam. I have dogs, cats, horses, but I think chickens are truly the most intelligent of the bunch (shhh don't tell my other critters . . . )
This is a great photo! I love when my chicks hang out with me. My little helpers.

On that storm that blew through last night, I kept waking up and eyeballing the ceiling for leaks, cause not a year ago we had terrible leak problems and had to get work done. I mean it was terrible! Hasn't leaked since but every time we get hard wind or rain...no sleep for me. Been here in Tampa for going on 8 years now but the whole annual hurricane tornado and all that still make my hackles rise up. And me being me with my paramilitary history...the first of every June marks my "kids gather your 3 day packs" and my turning the family room into "the great gathering of supplies and evacuation maps" campagne. Neighbors think I'm a doomsday nut, I just think it's smarter to hope for the best...but prepare for the worst.. ya know?
Side, back in Texas there was a few flash flood times left me not so high or dry. I ain't going through that again...no m
We should compare notes. Hurricane Frances - no electricity two weeks and well pump was damaged so no water to house but had water to barn thank the good Lord; my two year old got bathed in a sanitized pasture water trough and then the rest of us after her - all the house screens blew out had to shut up house at night because of the mosquitoes and it was horrid. Then Hurricane Jeanne came after they got the power back on and blew it all out again . . . Hurricane Wilma picked carport up out of cement and smashed it into roof, two times, cracked the roof right down the middle. Drive without traffic signals for weeks and you learn to follow semi-tractor trailers through the intersection . . . I don't live in fear, but I know fear when it comes to these storms. Everyone no matter where you are in Florida needs to plan ahead and be prepared. I do believe there are enough of us on this site who would be more than happy to give tips.
Hey y'all! I feel a little awkward just jumping in here randomly, but I'm just trying to get myself inserted somewhere, lol.

I'm in the Clermont area, and I think we got the least of the storm. I mean, the wind got pretty crazy and we certainly got rain, but I haven't seen any severe damage. I'm really glad to hear everyone else seems to be doing alright for the most part, I just hope those without electricity get that back on soon.
Oh my gosh welcome!!! Clermont is soooo beautiful!! No, we in Palm Beach County got absolutely nothing, not a drop of rain, a few clouds came yesterday and a hot breeze, but we were totally out of it.
Thank you, Wyandotte Blue! I'd certainly agree, Clermont is beautiful. We've only been living here for about four-ish months, but we love it already. I'm glad to hear y'all weren't affected by the storm. It seems like it was a "hit or miss" kind of storm for the most part.
Hey y'all! I feel a little awkward just jumping in here randomly, but I'm just trying to get myself inserted somewhere, lol.

I'm in the Clermont area, and I think we got the least of the storm. I mean, the wind got pretty crazy and we certainly got rain, but I haven't seen any severe damage. I'm really glad to hear everyone else seems to be doing alright for the most part, I just hope those without electricity get that back on soon.
Jacksonville here. big city with lots of skirts so some areas weren't touched while others got a few downed trees. So far the most that I've seen was a newly planted tree came down on beach blvd and a couple trees on I95 near Chaffee rd. all and all not too bad!
Goodness! Glad to hear it wasn't any worse than that. I've been told that Colin produced tornadoes, but I haven't heard anyone personally say anything about having one. I'm hoping they steered clear of most people and did little damage.
OK OK this is like "you call that a scar" from Jaws! OK so there's a couple flash floods from my "glory days" in El Paso... but the BIG one was uhhhhh 2006? This storm blew through, not a big deal... not in the CITY of El Paso, anyways. But off where the rain was pouring down in the foot hills...well that was the problem, Lots of dry land around there so when the rain came it didn't take long till the ground said "no mas!" and the water just rushed on down to El Paso. I'm not kidding this dumpster floated on down the street like a boat in a hurry. I saw it with my own eye balls. I'm trying to drive home and I kept having to go this way stead of that way cause the roads were flooding fast and poor PD boys are doing there best to keep people from trying to go ways the ought not to be going but you know people..."I can make it" either way, feet or driving, I saw all kinds of people NOT make it. This one PD boy he had to get whatever he could to make a line long enough to toss out to the guy (not young either!) before he lost grip and got carried away by the water...more like mud soup. Finally made it home.. I lived in an old old 100 year old apartment building back then, bachelor days, and the whole building lost power cause the transformer just on the corner blew! Sounded like lightning hit it if you ask me. No power, no water, it was coming out of the faucet brown...pipes were getting exposed due to the eroding account of the water just carving out the soil around them. It was a nightmare, I'm telling you. Thankfully, I had beer and a couple 3 gal. water jugs I had already from the watermill stations (for yall dont know, its like a little hub you go to and fill jugs up for $$ ) so I didn't go thirsty. Had my flashlight and some candles...few MRE's but mostly I ate like I was going to die the next few days so my perishable foods wouldn't go to waste. Long as you don't keep popping open your freezer and refrig doors, that food'll be fine for long enough to get a cooler and ice. Eat your ice cream right off though!
Hey y'all! I feel a little awkward just jumping in here randomly, but I'm just trying to get myself inserted somewhere, lol.

I'm in the Clermont area, and I think we got the least of the storm. I mean, the wind got pretty crazy and we certainly got rain, but I haven't seen any severe damage. I'm really glad to hear everyone else seems to be doing alright for the most part, I just hope those without electricity get that back on soon.
Insert away! That's how conversations get going!
Our place looks a a disaster area. We got a gust this AM around 3 and it sounded like a train was milling by. My truck, the drive, and the road had palm fronds all over the place. Lost power, shop got some water from the back screen door, one cat was MIA for awhile, found her hiding in a very hard to reach spot. Must have gotten the catnip scared right out of her. We're about 2.5 miles from Gandy Bridge so...yea we got a lot of the storm but my mini barn took it like a champ. ONE tiny teeny leak hardly worth mention. My chicken friends got through it dry and safe. All in all we're solid. A few of our neighbors...not so much. Couple trees took a couple fences down. How is everyone else doing? Got your bug out kits and bad weather buckets set? Better to get set and have them and not need them...stead of need them and not have them. Stay safe
I'm in between Gainesville and Ocala area, but nothing really happened at my house.. My babies were just find the next morning. They were really unhappy being wet, but the fruit bites helped them a lot! The wind was loud and I had a lot of tree branches all over. I hope everyone made it through the storm fine.
Does anyone else have hens that will change nest boxes from week to week? I have EE that lays green eggs and keeps the same nest box, but the other hens are all over the place. I have to check all the nest boxes everyday, to make sure they didn't change their mind and put in to a new box. I put clean hay in the boxes often. I just don't understand them at all. I have Easter Egger, Cuckoo Marans, Ameraucanas and Buff Orpingtons.

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