I will try that!! I just got herb plants for my chickens to help with the flies and mosquitoes. I hope it works. I wish, I could fine a plant/herb for the no-see-ums bugs. They are bad this year at my house.
You find something...post it, I hate those noseums! I have to wear my hunt wear - long sleeve and long pants - for the mosquitos and those itty bitty ones. Sure they're lightweight and breathe but still...with the humidity, it's like wearing wet towels.
Hello everyone,
I'm in Palm Bay, Brevard County.
Since we are now in the storm season how would you protect your flock? We build our coop well, using truss clips and anchors in the ground. Any tips would be great.
Thanks so much
Wow, sounds like you did a secure build. If we get any of the weather they're talking about, chickens are going into our store room. Bigand roomy, secure, concrete walls, attached to the house, quickly accessible if it gets ugly and we got to bug out. Yup.
Saw wild duck I am unfamiliar with. Anyone have any idea what it is? Bright, neon orange bills and legs, stark white and black under wings and breast, with a mottled brown back. Very smooth plumage with neck and legs longer and more slender than the norm...
Will try do post pic.
Any ideas?
Saw wild duck I am unfamiliar with. Anyone have any idea what it is? Bright, neon orange bills and legs, stark white and black under wings and breast, with a mottled brown back. Very smooth plumage with neck and legs longer and more slender than the norm...
Will try do post pic.
Any ideas?
and the Florida thread. Could be a wood duck. It's hard to tell from the picture.
Saw wild duck I am unfamiliar with. Anyone have any idea what it is? Bright, neon orange bills and legs, stark white and black under wings and breast, with a mottled brown back. Very smooth plumage with neck and legs longer and more slender than the norm...
Will try do post pic.
Any ideas?

Was just passin' by when I saw this... funny, cuz my MIL's friend in FL just asked same question about these...

They're called Black Bellied Whistling Ducks... :)
Was just passin' by when I saw this... funny, cuz my MIL's friend in FL just asked same question about these...

They're called Black Bellied Whistling Ducks... :)
Thanks Ravyn! Yup, that's them; although mine are prettier with brighter colors than the pics available on line!
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