I really feel bad for my chickens. They are all molting and it getting cold at night and in the morning time. My babies just turned a year old. Four out of six hens are still laying for me. I couldn't believe that some will still lay 4-5 times a week, when they are molting. Is this normal? All the book and info online was saying that they wont lay eggs while they are molting.
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Buncha swaps going on this weekend about equidistant from us. We've got a few extra cockerels we'd like to sell off but were wondering which one y'all thought would have the most foot traffic?
I think a lot depends on their feed. If you are giving them a higher protein feed it's likely they may be laying some. I have friends whose birds aren't laying during their molt. Some of mine aren't but several are but they do get a high protein feed. I saw a fellow I know recently at Rural King buying some layer feed that was 7.99 a bag and he told me his birds weren't laying. I'm sure the feed is OK for basic nutrition but 15% on the protein. The feed I use is 20%. Just my opinion. Good luck and have fun...
It depends on how big your coop is, and what you use for bedding, I would say that it would be safe so long as you have enough space between the lamp and shavings.

If others have experience using an outdoor heat lamp, feel free to chime in.

Thank you for helping me. My husband keeps telling me, that I baby my chickens too much and they can Handel Florida weather just fine. I just worry about them.
Don't worry, be happy... How old are they? I don 't heat my coops. My birds are just fine. They have shade trees in each of their pens for the summer heat and shade/rain tables also to get under. These are older pictures and we have added more coops with pens and more trees in their pens. The white rope wire around the bottoms of the pens is electric to keep the predators out especially at night. Once they know the electric wire is there and get shocked, they don't come back to test it out again. Also all of the pens are covered with a heavy duty netting. I have had my share of predators in the past.

Chick grow-out coop with a heat lamp.


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