
We had an email through our website looking for Mille Fleur yesterday. Can you email me your contact info so I can give it to this buyer?

Jess, no lookie, lookie. You think your hubby gets upset or the chickens hatching wait till you tried to house an Emu.
You guys are so funny!! I love this forum.. such super people :) Ok.. until I have a farm.. I will just watch longingly at the Emu eggs unless someone wants to give me one.. Then .. sorry ;)

We had an email through our website looking for Mille Fleur yesterday. Can you email me your contact info so I can give it to this buyer?

Jess, no lookie, lookie. You think your hubby gets upset or the chickens hatching wait till you tried to house an Emu.

Thanks. Done.

Itsazoo, I've PM'd you also.
Shellie, big day today..............3 of the 6 girls we got from you laid their first eggs today. Now all but one are laying. Surprising to gather eggs and find 4 blue and 1 olive egg all in 1 nest box.
Yes, but are you ready for the care and housing until they sell? Have you researched their needs feed wise and early days after hatching? What if there is no buyer locally or with in driving distance? Are you ready to invest in a different bator from the styro to give better chances at an Emu hatching? What if you spend that money or eggs and they don't hatch?

This was GREAT intervention CelticOaks!

I could use a friend like you. I am on a diet and with you around, I could STICK to my diet.
Carol, fantastic news! Now to get you a couple more Marans chicks and your rainbow will be lovely.

Crossgirl, thanks sent your info to them.

Mathace, LoL I know Jess's space restrictions and how much she LOVES hatching. That girl needs some land so she can mini farm for sure.

Diets I am no good at, love to cook so no help there.

Skies were pink and red this morning as I went out to add water buckets to the Sebastopols stalls until the weather passes. Poor curly geese just don't handle down pours well. Since our ganders want to kill each other if given the chance now they get to stay inside until later when I can move them to their seperate day pens.

First round of Lav Ameracuana chicks are done hatching, 95% on shipped eggs is darn good if you ask me. Second round is about to go into lockdown. Woke up to a hatch tray full of BLRW chicks all looking at me too. We also have our first two call ducklings hatched, with 9 more eggs in various stages of development. Sebastopol eggs set and doing well. EE eggs almost to lockdown, and setting more EE and OE eggs shortly.

Love this cabinet bator, it is a dangerous thing being able to just keep setting so many eggs. Gearing up for large hatches soon to fill an order to a local store for Easter chicks.
Wow, Shellie, your hatches sound awesome. If you and your son keep that up you will be in big time business of cute baby chicks.

Jess, though you were going to start going towards bantams due to space limitations, now you want Emus. Silly girl. You have to win the lottery and buy a huge farm. By the way Emus can be mean. A few years ago, one escaped near my Mom and was chasing and kicking at people. Got so bad my stepdad and their neighbor went Emu hunting..............
Carol, our goal is to add a second cabinet bator and a cabinet hatcher too next year. We fenced off the garden area and turned the curly geese loose to eat it down so we can build the raised beds next. We would like to have the farm support itself some through sales if we can. Hubby will be retire soon, so will be all hands on deck to work here. How is John doing? We are good here, shoulder is getting "better" so he is back to active duty now.
Oh forgot to add, we are running open hours on Saturdays now from 9-4 and offering eating eggs, hatching eggs, hatchlings, baked goods and more. No tours to keep up bio security, but last weekend we sold out of eating eggs on Saturday.
Oh forgot to add, we are running open hours on Saturdays now from 9-4 and offering eating eggs, hatching eggs, hatchlings, baked goods and more. No tours to keep up bio security, but last weekend we sold out of eating eggs on Saturday.

We sure enjoyed our duck eggs, thanks again. When I was a child my Dad had a bator so large, he had to build a special room just for it. If 50+ year old memories serve it hatched about 1000 eggs at a time. Of course, he was in the chicken business. That is how my parents met, She ran a cafe and he supplied the chickens for frying. What is so funny is her running cafe..............she was a terrible cook.

Our garden is off and running. We are now eating golden pea pods, green onions and mxed lettuces, beet and mustard greens. Yummy salads. Have seedling tomatoes, peppers, dill, basil, and edible nasturtiums in greenhouse.

John is down with a cold today, otherwise he is doing well. He has to go to Tampa on Tuesday to get the results of last biopsy. We feel confident that he will be put on preventive maintenance as the cancer all gone. That is what doctors indicated and we sure hope for. Glad to hear Steves shoulder is getting better.

Our "little girl" has turned into a loner, still missing her 2 buddies. She sees me coming to check nest boxes, runs in and hops on my arm and then shoulder to get out nd will ride on shoulder for a little bit.

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