Got plenty of water in Manatee county. Storm knocked out the power too. I had 75 or so eggs in the bator, first were due to hatch Wednesday. The power was out for 17 hours, so I don't expect much of a hatch! I'm just glad to have the A/C back on this evening. .......stan
All is well here. Thank God I'm on sand and most of the water got soaked up pretty fast. I just hope we have a chance to dry out some before the next one hits or I won't be as lucky. The flood of 2005. It was the worst in 30 yrs. I had a stream running under part of the house. Took 3 months to dry out. That's why I built the barn where it is. Highest ground close to the well, elec. etc. Wish I could have had the pond dredged earlier, but I didn't have the cash. Now with the rainy season upon us can't get the guy to do it. Oh well.... Anyone want some pond scum? Makes good fertilizer.
Got plenty of water in Manatee county. Storm knocked out the power too. I had 75 or so eggs in the bator, first were due to hatch Wednesday. The power was out for 17 hours, so I don't expect much of a hatch! I'm just glad to have the A/C back on this evening. .......stan
Glad you're okay, stan.... you never know about eggs, they might just take an extra day.

We didn't get a flicker of power loss, which is amazing for my neighborhood, I think it must be that they just switched out a bunch of lines/poles a few weeks ago because usually when someone has a moist sneeze around here we loose power! I didn't lose any birds, even though a few refused to come when they were called and got soaked. The coops are fairly dry but around them is too wet, hope to bring in some dirt someday to correct that. All in all no problems here. Glad that ya'll are okay.
We have got about 2" of rain here not all that bad were about an hour north of panama city .But it has been windy today chicks have had fun out in the lil rain we did get :)
13.5+ inches of rain so far since this started late Saturday and the weatherman says maybe another twelve inches to come. As much as we suffer for it during droughts this is one time I'm grateful to live on the sand ridge! Fella on the radio this morning said there were seventeen roads closed in the WKTK listening area (my girls favorite station) including portions of I-10, U.S. 90, and U.S. 301.

I've been saying for the last several years since the drought started that I'd give a lot for six slow soaking inches of rain. I said SIX! Not SIXTEEN!

There are few things sorrier looking than a sodden rooster. Except for perhaps a sodden rooster keeper! This may be it for my faithful old straw ranchers hat.
I know I promised these awhile ago, sorry for the delay, but here is one house just before Debby came and hubby got sick again. Will be placing the front and roof on this afternoon.

Before vent placement

After vent hole cut and vent put in (there is one in each end)

Looking head on before vent placement

The door is cut in the cent of the front panel (not installed in above photo) it has a hinged panel in the door we can leave open during the summer for extra ventalation. The opening is backed by screen and hardware cloth.

The back wall has an opening cut in it now about 1.5" down from the top edge and runs about 3.5" tall and the length of the back wall. It is hinged at the top to shed water away. The opening has screen and hardware cloth. This way we can open and close vents and openings on all four walls depending on time of the year and rain.

We have a three stall house I will get pictures of soon, it's having to be moved to a new location currently, and this rain isn't helping that effort.

Stay dry all, I for one would rather have the rains than the fires other states are running from.
oh my gosh this rain is insane. I have seen a lot of people losing chickens here and there....I have been pretty blessed so far. No power outage, but my septic is full so we are sleeping at my parents house. I want to let the chickies run around in the sun, but no telling how long it will last and I DON"T want to be chasing chickens in a storm.

On a sidenote, what are you all doing about the BUMPER crop of mosquitos that are about to hit us?

And of course the flies...dear GOD the flies will be horrible!

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