I keep seeing things about Naked Necks, what exactly is it? Are they chickens, turkeys or what are they? I have never seen them before until now?
That's what everyone wants to know, WHAT IS THAT THING????? Poor mixed up things, you can't blame them, it's those people that keep producing them that should be ashamed. They call them chickens cause they just don't fit any known catagory!! You would think the least they could do is try to keep them out of site, but nnoooooo, they trick real chicken breeders into holding them , then they post pics to try to legitimize their evil ways. I could go on, but you get the idea. Just don't be drawn into thier evil schemes!! ..stan.......lol
That's what everyone wants to know, WHAT IS THAT THING????? Poor mixed up things, you can't blame them, it's those people that keep producing them that should be ashamed. They call them chickens cause they just don't fit any known catagory!! You would think the least they could do is try to keep them out of site, but nnoooooo, they trick real chicken breeders into holding them , then they post pics to try to legitimize their evil ways. I could go on, but you get the idea. Just don't be drawn into thier evil schemes!! ..stan.......lol
Thanks for the iinfo!! by the way I like your avatar, barred rrocks are on of my favorite breed!!
Same here. I was just talking about the fair and the chickens that would be there with my DI. We went last year and I fell in love with the Seabrights. Is there anything going on in St. Johns County any time soon?
I believe I read that the St. Johns County Fair is in the fall. Someone on this thread directed me to another thread with a list of fairs by county. I know Duval is in the fall around Halloween. Hubby just got me a Purple Martin House at a Tractor and Feed store in OP. We are considering different feed since our three hens aren't laying yet. Got any reccomendations? They just turned 6 months and we do free range them in our 3/4 acre backyard and supplement with kitchen scrap veggies. Also started a mealworm farm and am waiting on the bounty there to snack the hens.
I believe I read that the St. Johns County Fair is in the fall. Someone on this thread directed me to another thread with a list of fairs by county. I know Duval is in the fall around Halloween. Hubby just got me a Purple Martin House at a Tractor and Feed store in OP. We are considering different feed since our three hens aren't laying yet. Got any reccomendations? They just turned 6 months and we do free range them in our 3/4 acre backyard and supplement with kitchen scrap veggies. Also started a mealworm farm and am waiting on the bounty there to snack the hens.
I use Dumors and have been happy with the growth and appearance of my girls. The five 7month olds have been laying since the end of January and I average 4 eggs a day from them now. The five month olds have not started laying but two are squatting and one is starting to sing the egg song. I just switched from grower/finisher to layer this week since the youngest are now old enough for layer. I was just supplementing oyster shell and had no problems with shell hardness. They also get meal worms, black oil sunflower seeds and millet. I grow collards and mustard for them and pull every dandelion I see for them. They love greens. I have thought about starting the meal worms. They are so expensive to buy from TSC. Let me know how they do for you.

I have heard that game bird feed will increase egg production because it is 22% protein, but I have not tried it. I did not see anything with that much protein at TSC or at the two feed stores close to me.

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