those are forage beds. Lots of pictures here on BYC of various forms of them. Most use wood frames to support the hardware cloth. The chickens can eat only whats above the mesh and not scratch the roots out

What kind of plants would you plant in something like this? I'm guessing grass cause it keeps coming back? Or is it some kind of grain that would work best?
Quote: brown millet this time of the year, grows very well ALL summer here

These crops birn out in our extreme summer heat: (Oct - March planting) whole wheat and oats over winter along with timothy and clover cover crop.

you can plant salad spreads too. They can even be made to go over bahia sod pieces so the grass can root but shoot up through the wire.
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Thanks for all the info!!! Where do you find oats and where do you grow your sprouts? By the way...what are oat seeds called? Unhulled or whats the common name? Thanks for the help...we keep our house at about 77 degrees, do you think it'll work? Thanks again for your help!!
They are called "Whole Oats".
I get the from the local feed store. Ask when you buy them if
they will germinate.
$12.65 for 50 pounds. (Triple cleaned Racehorse Oats.)
I grow mine outside. I made a small hoop house out of
pvc pipe and clear plastic. I have a strand of Christmas lights in there.
77 degrees should probably work. I grew them when it was cold
outside, so I don't see why they wouldn't grow now.
I have been sprouting oats and brown top millet.
They prefer the warm Florida weather. 
Sorghum is also another seed I am trying now. Sprouts fast.
If you keep it rinsed good you shouldn't have mold.
Good drainage is a must.  I rinse twice a day. So far so good.
Feeding oat fodder sprouts to goats and chickens at about 9 days.
The brown top millet sprouts are for baby chicks, they like it at 4 days.
The sorghum I am just trying, so will have to see how they like it.
Oats are cheap, about $12.65 for 50 pounds.
The millet and sorghum cost more, $29.95 for 50 pounds.
Our feed store sells the millet and sorghum by the pound for $1.00 per pound.
5 pounds millet seeds last a good while. So not that pricey to use just for chicks.
Thanks for the info. I bought a 5lb bag of brown top millet yesterday for $1.50/lb. They also had organic barley for sale, wasn't marked with a price. Can I sprout barley and any idea how long for?
Eeeks... my lychees are coming into ripe just now and the chickens are eating the ones they can reach LOL!!!

Then i have issues with squirrels eating the ones at the top.. and they take a bite and throw it down.. Guess who eats those as well..

they are going to get incredibly fat!!  :barnie   love those chickes but i need them to stop eating my lychee crop..

I need one of those squirrelenators.. and then to top it off the dogs like the lychess as well!!  :lau

just needed to get it off my chest!!

What is a lychees?

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