Had a death today. Lost a 2 month old chick. **** hawk came down, happened so quick all we saw was the swoop. I cried hardcore for about a half hour.

Obviously there was no body to bury, so I planted flowers and made a plaque.

Eulogy says:

"A Eulogy For A Chicken

Dear Serenity,
You will be missed. The first time I saw you, you were in a large group with many, many other young chicks. I picked you out, only you and no other chicks that day. You were unique and you spoke to me. You were such a beautiful chick, and loving pet. Serenity, you were known for sitting on laps for hours and even dozing off or laying on your back for a tummy rub, yes Serenity, you will be missed. As much as you were a cuddler, you also thoroughly enjoyed your independence. Ultimately, one thing is for certain, not only I, but all your sister chicks miss you dearly.

With love, and may you rest serenely, Serenity.

Let go, Let God, And Let Those Pretty Wings Flap."

04-23-2013 - 06-22-2013

I'm so sorry you had to go through this today. You get attached to them so quickly, two months can seem like you've know each other forever.
Very sweet eulogy.
Good Morning All! Well it was until 6:15 when my rooster, that was supposed to be a hen, started crowing for the first time. The neighbors are NOT happy and he has to go TODAY! He is the sweetest bird in my flock and I'm sure someone out there will want him to keep NOT eat! PLEASE!!!!! I'm super attached to him but my neighbors bedrooms are only 20 feet from his crowing spot. 4.5 months Plymouth barred rock. CALL ME! 813.766.4836

I'm so sorry you had to go through this today.  You get attached to them so quickly, two months can seem like you've know each other forever.  :hugs   Very sweet eulogy.

x2....sorry for your loss.  Lost one the same way, son was heartbroken....

Thanks folks. Got her at a local feed store in a group of mixed straight runs. I chose her because she was white, crested, with five toes and bluish skin. I think she was a silkie. She was such a lover, and I know her sister chicks miss her dearly. Thanks for the encouragement fellow Floridians.
OMG, my landlord (after initially giving the OK) showed up today and freaked!  Eviction notice if we don't jettison everything animal related ASAP.  Sucks...but don't want to get evicted.....so everything must go.  Offering to Backyard Chickens peeps first.

Chickens in order from oldest to youngest:

1. (5) gorgeous laying 8 month old pure Australorps- so far I'm getting 3-4 eggs a day, my favorite birds.  $18 each, please take all
2. (2) Cuckoo Marans roosters- one light and one dark- almost 5 months...FREE
3. (5) Hens 4.5 months old, 2 red sex link, 1 leghorn, 2 Easter Eggers.  $45 for the lot
4. (2) Australorp pullets, 3.5 months old.  $12 for both.
5. (1) Ancona pullet, 2.5 months old.  $7
6. (2) Buff Orpingtons, 3.5 weeks old.  $8 for both
7. (22) Buff Orpington eggs in the incubator.  Hatch date July 4th.  Must take incubator and eggs.  $100.  Farm Innovators 4200 model


1. Large waterer (5 gallon), small waterers and feeders, assorted, make offer
2. (3) bags of feed.  Layer, Grower, and chick.  $20
3. Bag of Grit, $1
4. Various supplies....come tear down my chicken pens and houses....I'll gladly help....make an offer

Pics coming......

Do you have a lease and did you get ok in writing? You have tenant rights in Florida. Don't let them push you around.
Figured I'db introduce everybody to my flock. Got these four cuties on Thursday, just to have the 2 month old abducted by the hawk on Saturday. This is everybody.

This might cheer us all up.

Sizzle chick, 5 days old.


Painted Silkie, 5 days old:


And these next two are frizzle Seramas:



The six 3.5 month girls:



And the 2 month old girls, minus the one that just passed... :(

R.I.P. Serenity, my 2 month old Silkie. She would've been 1 month here:


1 month old pictured here, bantam light Brahma. 2 months today.


And lastly a bantam white leghorn also 2 months today, but only 1 month in picture.

Ok the auction in San Antonio fl
31042 Darby Road in San Antonio, FL
Starts at 1pm every Sunday

People start to bring their stuff to sell around 7 am.

They charge 20% on chicken sales.
Today you can find chickens, rabbits, peacocks,ferrets, pigs, goats,ducks,snakes,turkeys, all kinds of eggs,quail,cages, plants and cockatiels.

WOW there's a lot of stuff here!!!!!
Wha??? Is that feed made of Gold? That is crazy.

:D   I think so!  Lots of others do too!  It's completely organic and GMO free which is impossible to find around here otherwise.  I was driving 4+ hours round trip to buy it before I opened a store in Tampa.  It may not be for everyone, but it's the only thing I like to feed my girls.

i like the non GMO option, but need more info befor driving two hours and paying that much... If you don't mind, could you answer:
What is in each type? What is the protein %?

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