This is a 14 foot camper that was not road worthy any more. I stripped it fixed a wall that had water damage fixed the roof, and pulled out the carpet and painted the floor with camper roof paint, I kept the rear bathroom to keep the 30 gallon metal trash can for food and bedding. I an going to run permanent power and water to it ,, I plan on auto waterers and still have to build a few ramps for the chickens , the chicken are only 6 weeks old and should have fun camping
Actually that's pretty cool!

If I had one I would install a drop down floor with hinges on one end.. That way just release the floor, pull the trailer a few feet to dump the old bedding, raise the floor back up and put in the new bedding, and there ya go. Insta clean coop!
Thanks so much for the pictures of your coops. Sorry for the late response back, it took me a while to find my way back to this forum.

Our coops and "girls" are moved up here now, close to the house (actually against the house for the meantime) and locked in the coops at night. We have seven acres, so we are plotting out where to place them. I think we will do a double fence on the run with electric fencing when we get the coops permanently situated.
~~The best protection is to be able to close your birds in their coop at night as many of the predators roam at night. Of course there are a few exceptions such as hawks. I was loosing birds about every other night out of a couple of my pens and I have electric around them all. I couldn't figure what was killing them so I put my gamer camera out and found out it was an owl. I have since put netting over the pens and haven't lost another bird so far. Each coop we have we built, and all are different. We have 8 coops. 2 of the coops are duplexes so we can separate birds or open the gate and use them as single coops.

Thanks, Cmom!!
Hello! I'm from Jacksonville! Actually, I've lived in Jax for about a year and a half. I'm originally from Buffalo, NY. I only have 2 hens right now - a brown leghorn and a barred rock - but I'm looking to expand responsibly. I'm looking for orpingtons/wyandottes to add a couple new friends to my mini-flock.

Welcome to BYC. I am originally from Buffalo too.
Cream Legbars are blue egg machines, cool history to them and auto sex at hatch. Salmon Favorelles are sweet, and lay pinkish eggs I have both.
We're New owners, or future New owners. My father had been talking about getting chickens for years, but didn't know anything about them. He grew up on local eggs, but never raised them. Finally he cleared a patch of garden to build a coop, and I've just taken off with research and drawing up coop plans. He wants some new Hampshire reds, and mom wants delewares. I want Ameracuanas, but since dad wants large brown eggs to sell, not sure what we're going to get lol. Mom wants friendly beautiful chickens with pink eggs. Dad wants big Brown eggs and lots of them. And I want a colorful eggs from a pure breed that is social with interesting genetics and heritage lol. We can't get them all, but most important is to find breeds that do well in Florida heat, can tolerate a large enclosed run, are social, and give 4-5 eggs a week.

I'm personally a big genetics nut, and I love the history of domesticated breeds, and would prefer a breed that fits a standard incase I get into breeding and showing. But baby steps first!
Hi Maria
Hey Nicole
Hi Everyone! I am in Ocala and i have a few chicks im wanting to sell . ! have a RIR and Barred rock mix i think its a roo and a half OEGB silver duck wing and silkie think its a pullet they have to stay together they have a STRONG bond they are about 2 months old . Then i have 4 little chicks one is a silkie then i have a bantam/silkie , silkie / americauna and a OEGB/Silkie . They are all so cute and cuddly :) Please let me know if you want pictures!!!

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