Are you looking for young chicks or hens?

Hi Flybybirds!
If you were responding to me....I am not sure what I am looking for now. Just learned that I could accidently get a rooster if I get chicks....and I just would not know what to do because I would be so attached. I wouldn't know where to rehome it.... :-(

So I guess I would have to skip the amazing chick phase....

Where in Fl are you.... Do you have any available?

Someone wrote back to me saying they have older ones in the area.... Old enough to be sexed. I am wondering about this though....because chicks seem to go fast here. Wonder if anything is wrong....
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I am 25 miles out of Okeechobee. I have easter egger eggs in one of the incubators due around the 21st but I won't know what they are. I know someone that may part with Black Austalorps (sp?) but if you want me to check around here for hens I will. You want Easter Eggers correct?
Hi guys !! My chicken hatched out some babies that someone was suppose to come and get and never did :( They need a home BAD there is 4 of them one is a full silkie 2 of them are half old english and silkie and the last one is americauna and silkie ... They are soooo cute !!!! Please let me know if you would please give them a nice home!!! i am going to the swap in dunnellon tomorrow and can bring them . im located in ocala :)
Sound so cute. Isn't there a feed store that will take them or do you especially want them to go to a breeder home? I had to make that a choice once and I hated it but at least they had a home. If I have the room I just keep them until they are 18 weeks or more and try to sell them that way. I find a lot of people want laying hens and sometimes roosters or I pair them up or trios.
Take pictures of them. Put them on under eight weeks forum on this site. Advertise on your home site. Pictures sell if they are different. I wish u luck!
Hiya Babowman3!

Neat! There seems to be a lot in the area:) Thanks for the welcome and nice to meet you:)

We're hoping to get a couple of easter eggers in the next couple of weeks. If you (or anyone here!) know of anyone in Florida with a couple of ladies, let me know! I've been searching but the places haven't gotten back to me yet:-(

Yes!! Look up Celtic Oak Farm in Merritt Island they have some EE chicks along with a lot others! I'm going today to get some EE/Lemon Cuckoo Orpington chicks!

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