Hi all!! And hi, Pasomom! Just joined today and I'm in Sebring also. We have two Americaunas, real ones from a breeder, and a Salmon Fav, plus one line Silkie hen from Bobbi Porti and a bunch of chicks from Bobbi too plus some Eng Orp eggs in the incubator! We live in the city and can only have hens. I love our hens, especially Flory, the salmon Fav. And getting eggs each morning is just the best thing ever. Nice to see another person in Sebring! And Florida as well. I'll likely need to re-home several of the new chicks soon, as we see who is a rooster, and who we have room for. Anyways, hi everyone!
From NE Florida!
I have a question. If I purchase some eggs and slip them under a broody will the rest of the hens leave the chicks alone?
Will they integrate easier than just adding new pullets?

I have BOs so when one goes broody the rest seem to follow. I was thinking if the majority hatched out chicks..two each, would they just all do a mommy bonding thing or would there be mayhem and carnage?

We had free range chickens when I was a kid, and I do not remember any chick problems when a clutch was hatched out.

I think eggs from a breeder might be a fun change. Pampered Poultry is near me, (Ocala) and Halo.
I think Halo does wheatens, but I really do not know much about them. My only requirement is that they are get along types. I do not want aggressive hens. (I know with eggs rosters happen, but they will be traded or eaten. yeah, reality, probably not. )
Hi Trilliumcoop!

Nice to know another chick in Sebring! :) LOL I live in the country, so I am allowed to have roosters :) and will need one as I plan to expand my flock at some point. Most of my girls should be Buff O's. Chose them for their outstanding personalities. we have a lot of visitors at our ranch. I used to have Barred Rocks and our rooster was the meanest thing! We were constantly getting attacked by him, and he spurred several people. I finally cut his spurs, but he kept on coming. My husband wouldn't let me kill him because he thought he would protect the girls.....Well, critters finally got all my girls, and he never got a scratch.....a lot of help he was. :-( Hence, I am building a more secure coop and run to house the new girls.
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Do you know of anyone in the St Augustine area that breeds Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds? I may want to hatch them myself. Still trying to convince husband this is a good idea. I work so he thinks he'll be the one to take of them. He says he will build the coop for me.
Hi there! How much mayhem depends on the hen and the amount of space she has. She will need to have room to get away from the others almost completely during the day. If she is a good mom, she will threaten any other chicken that comes near her and chase them off. She will have to be that kind of a mom or the chicks get picked off. You don't want her to have to do that constantly so that's where the space during the day comes in.

I've had hens successfully do this so don't be discouraged . Just watch her to see if she has the fire in her belly to protect her babies. I've only had one that didn't. The others killed two chicks before I intervened.

Try it ! Just watch her close at first.
Anyone know some sheds or companies they can recommend for around seven thousand dollars? Should I make it all open wire on the sides? What happens in the winter if it's all wire sides?
I find I'm much better off with a roof with open wired sides. This way I don't have to worry about the heat if I'm not home for a day or two. I don't worry about the winter at all, the chickens all tolerate "Florida cold". I make a small covered box or a dog house for egg laying.

For that much money you could build a huge covered pen and have a sheltered area around the roost. Down here I would truly think open and not closed in. I like those carports they sell here. You can have enough shelter by making the sides longer, then putting some sturdy hardware cloth walls to fill in.

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