Our first incubator chick just hatched! Two more eggs in there. They are due today. Hoping they hatch. One little chick would be so sad all alone
How cute!
Wow! Nice looking coop! I have looked and looked all over Craig's List for chicken coops, for a smaller one that I can move easily. I am moving in the next 10 weeks and need one for now that the little peeps can stay in temporarily until their larger coop can be built. The little peepers are now 5 weeks old....yep, I know, they might be laying before I that new coop built....but at least I would have something for them for now. They have outgrown their larger brooder and spend the day out in a temp 'baby corral" with a screened top for safety. Maybe your neighbor can come and build my new coop for me. I should be located in Spring Hill or Brooksville by the time it is all said and done.
I am handy with screws, nails, drill, circular saw, etc. I am awful at measuring and getting things to 'fit' right!

He's retired and does all his work in his yard since that's where all of his materials and tools are located.
Great news a second of the three eggs hatched last night
Even better news I woke my daughter up at 6 and we snuck the chicks under our broody Sumatra whose eggs were all duds she was sitting on and she accepted them!
Now just hoping against all odds the third egg will hatch. It will be 24 hours overdue at 8pm tonight so there might be a chance.
Great news a second of the three eggs hatched last night :jumpy Even better news I woke my daughter up at 6 and we snuck the chicks under our broody Sumatra whose eggs were all duds she was sitting on and she accepted them! :yiipchick Now just hoping against all odds the third egg will hatch. It will be 24 hours overdue at 8pm tonight so there might be a chance.
Hoping for number 3!
Great news a second of the three eggs hatched last night
Even better news I woke my daughter up at 6 and we snuck the chicks under our broody Sumatra whose eggs were all duds she was sitting on and she accepted them!
Now just hoping against all odds the third egg will hatch. It will be 24 hours overdue at 8pm tonight so there might be a chance.
Good luck on that last one, and great news on the "switch" ;-) Hope this last one comes on, so you can slip it under too!
Great news a second of the three eggs hatched last night
Even better news I woke my daughter up at 6 and we snuck the chicks under our broody Sumatra whose eggs were all duds she was sitting on and she accepted them!
Now just hoping against all odds the third egg will hatch. It will be 24 hours overdue at 8pm tonight so there might be a chance.
Fellow Floridians, So I am pretty new to back yard chickens.... like 3-4 weeks new :) So, my question is about rain. We had our first big day time thunderstorm yesterday with the chicks outside in the coop/run. They are about 5 weeks old now we estimate. They were in the run area, but looked pretty dry still b/c of the way the roof is built, it seemed all the water was being directed away well.

But I was concerned about the little Silkie since I read they are more susceptible to being cold b/c of their feather type. Anyhow, I put all 3 of them up in the coop where they would be very dry. They really didn't want to go, then they all turned around and made their way back down the ramp into the run area again. They stayed in the run until dark. I guess my question is: do most chickens want to be in the coop during the rain? Is it not a big deal where they are?

I had to "train" them to use the ramp, so I am not sure if I have to show them to get out of the rain too. Or if its not a big deal at all? Thanks for the input :)
I would love to have the hen... is she laying eggs yet...But no rooster for me, We just bought a house and don't want to piss the neighbors off just yet ;) He is Beautiful though I love Barred Rock there so pretty. Are you willing to separate them and how much for the hen??

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