Hi, from Palm Bay, FL!!!!!!!
Folks around Putnam County: I am going to be at the TSC swap in Palatka tomorrow morning with at least 13 cull Golden Laced Wyandotte pullets for sale. These are either too small or the "wrong" coloring to fit into my breeding program.
Hello everyone I am currently a member of the Indiana thread because I currently live in Indiana but I'm from tampa Florida and lived the last three years before coming here in fort myers and I would like to move back there this coming fall/winter a few people here warn me of the preditors there compared to here and I was just wondering what you guys do about the sandy soil do the random animals dig easier? Is chicken wire enough? I don't personally plan to be near gators but we all know how south Florida is
Hello everyone I am currently a member of the Indiana thread because I currently live in Indiana but I'm from tampa Florida and lived the last three years before coming here in fort myers and I would like to move back there this coming fall/winter a few people here warn me of the preditors there compared to here and I was just wondering what you guys do about the sandy soil do the random animals dig easier? Is chicken wire enough? I don't personally plan to be near gators but we all know how south Florida is
plane chicken wire is for keeping chicken's in not predictors out. I have found that the pvc coated chicken wire is much stronger but not completely predictor proof. Hardware cloth keeps the smaller stuff (ie. Snakes) but my dog's can go thought it with no problem. I like two use more then one type. Something for the smaller and larger animals.

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