Not a lot of work
Feral wants the food
Put it in the trap
It was tongue in cheek and I agree he needs to go.
I can't keep a roo... :hit
I lost a quail yesterday too
I am thinking aggressive male cuz he was in the male only pen

:hit well thats sad , i had a male quail that was nasty to the others he found himself in the freezer , if my hen r2d2 wasnt a good layer she would end up there too because of what she did to my ichabods tail she ripped him up bad but he is healing up this week has been a challenging one with the animals
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I have had a very hard chicken week. I lost a lavender Ameraucana pullet to a ruptured crop. My Bielefelder pullet's head was all banged up and bloody but she is okay. I lost my favorite blue pullet to a predator. I rehomed a big beautiful Splash Marans rooster because he and my black Ameraucana rooster decided one of them had to die.

The little blue pullet was my favorite, she followed me everywhere and never stopped chatting with me the whole way, very talkative. I will miss her so much. I have some questions for y'all because I am just trying to figure out what could have happened. I know it is an exercise in futility but one has to try.

I found a big pile of blue feathers and then about 25 feet away I found another very small batch of feathers. Not a trace of the chicken. Predator? Is is possible that a very large feral cat could kill a chicken? Could the ruptured crop also because of a predator attack?

I am thinking it may have been a 4 legged predator but could be something other. This was quite awhile ago I lost some birds and found some trails of feathers going across our pasture to a wooded area. Thinking either a fox or coyote. I caught a fox and saw it getting some birds. It dug under a gate, Now I have concrete under the gates and electric around all of my coops and pens. If anything touches the wire they will get a heck of a shock. When I have forgotten to turn it off and touched it, it has made my heart skip a few beats. I also have all of my pens covered with some good netting. I don't let the birds out to free range unless I'm working outside. I had hawks and do see a Red Tail hawk every once in awhile but I have been putting leftovers out for the crows so they hang around to see if I have put anything out and if they see a hawk, they chase it off. Good luck.
I would be putting my live trap out and permanently relocate the critter. I know cats are wanderers. Don't know how far they wander. I had a Bob Cat come here one night and killed several of my Pheasants. We put traps out but it didn't come back the next night but did the following night and did kill some more of the Pheasants but also got in a trap too.
Sorry to hear about your loss. I lost six until I figured out it was a Hawk. My problem was handled.
Will57, I thought it might not be a hawk because there was no trace of the chicken only feathers. Is that what you found too?

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