I have to be very careful what I use because I have two kids under 6 and we play in the backyard every day. I will do a few mothballs here and there but I do have a question... If chickens are so quick to eat a snake, how are so many eggs getting eaten by snakes? I would assume they would chase the snakes away from their eggs - if they saw them of course.
Posted this on EE page but I needed to venture out a bit. My 12 week old crowed this morning and another yesterday. From the pictures, most people say they are pullets but after the crowing I'm very confused and will need to look to rehome if needed.
any new suggestions?
I have to be very careful what I use because I have two kids under 6 and we play in the backyard every day. I will do a few mothballs here and there but I do have a question... If chickens are so quick to eat a snake, how are so many eggs getting eaten by snakes? I would assume they would chase the snakes away from their eggs - if they saw them of course.
The eggs only get eaten if the hens aren't paying attention. If they see a snake they see food AND an intruder in their property. I definitely wouldn't use electric with the babies around!! They make snake repellent pellets you can spread around the property line but i would be worried about the kids getting that too. Maybe some fake hawk or owl statues but those only work if the snake is looking up.. My go to tactics to repel and prevent pests is always plants and animals. Fight nature with nature and make the yard prettier doing it!, Plant things like wormwood, purple garlic, lemon grass, rosemary, marigold etc. I prefer snakes in my yard so long as they are not venomous so i usually stay away from these for that reason (or at least keep the smelly herbs in the kitchen window. Of course we also have a Dachshund that tries to find and kill them too.
Try these sites, just a few ideas.
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The eggs only get eaten if the hens aren't paying attention. If they see a snake they see food AND an intruder in their property. I definitely wouldn't use electric with the babies around!! They make snake repellent pellets you can spread around the property line but i would be worried about the kids getting that too. Maybe some fake hawk or owl statues but those only work if the snake is looking up.. My go to tactics to repel and prevent pests is always plants and animals. Fight nature with nature and make the yard prettier doing it!, Plant things like wormwood, purple garlic, lemon grass, rosemary, marigold etc. I prefer snakes in my yard so long as they are not venomous so i usually stay away from these for that reason (or at least keep the smelly herbs in the kitchen window. Of course we also have a Dachshund that tries to find and kill them too.
Try these sites, just a few ideas. 
Great! Thank you
Good morning everyone, I'm new to raising poultry & having a backyard farm. Pics are of coops, runs & chickens,any information & advice will be greatly appreciated. Tia

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