I feed them as treats with their scratch which has some cracked corn, millet, oats, and some other grains I can't remember, I'm having a brain fart. I don't feed it to them as part of their diet. They are treats here but they get some in the evenings when I collect the eggs. Treat Time. They also get plenty of goodies from the gardens, plus they get to roam in the pasture but don't usually go too far from their coops.
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I feed them as treats with their scratch which has some cracked corn, millet, oats, and some other grains I can't remember, I'm having a brain fart. I don't feed it to them as part of their diet. They are treats here but they get some in the evenings when I collect the eggs. Treat Time. They also get plenty of goodies from the gardens, plus they get to roam in the pasture but don't usually go too far from their coops.
I have been giving my girls oats and mealworms- maybe a handful for all 4 to share daily but since my yard is weeds, I've been pulling weeds by the bucketful every other day and dumping it in their run to rummage through. My two pullets- the ones making the crazy noise similar to crowing- seem to stay quiet if they aren't so bored.
I give my birds oats mixed in with their scratch with Sunflower seeds. I don't give them meal worms. I have a rather large flock of birds and to give them meal worms would cost too much. I pay 20.00 for a 30 ounce size bag, I pay about the same for a 50# bag of feed. I go though around 250#'s of feed a week.
I give my birds oats mixed in with their scratch with Sunflower seeds. I don't give them meal worms. I have a rather large flock of birds and to give them meal worms would cost too much. I pay 20.00 for a 30 ounce size bag, I pay about the same for a 50# bag of feed. I go though around 250#'s of feed a week.

You have beautiful birds cmom, but I'm glad I don't have your feed bill costs, lol.
Uhhg, the heat. Don't remind me quite yet! I love beach weather and lots of sunshine, but boy, I dont love being drenched in sweat! How does everyone plan to keep their flocks cool this rsummer? I plan to have them in the shaddiest spot, but I imagine the stale heated air with no wind cant be great for them. Maybe fans and chicken bathing? Any fun ice block recipes??F
Frozen watermellon and ice cubes in all the water containers!
I have sprinklers in some of the pens but they squirt into the adjacent pens too. I planted trees in all of the pens and they have their shade/rain tables to get under. I have probably posted these pictures before.
A grow-out coop and pens.

This is an older picture and since it was taken I planted trees in the pens and we added another coop and pen.
I am putting the coop in the vicinity of a huge old live oak we have in back yard, and installing a solar powered vent fan in also for circulation if nothing else. I heard that misters are pretty cheap? I also have a special water on my wish list that taps into a drink cooler, so that the water stays cooler......Derned if I can remember the name of it....
Poppycock: do you give whole oats or crimped? Does it matter? I know old timers say give corn in winter, oats in summer....

I'm not poppycock1974 but I give my birds rolled oats. They won't eat the whole oats. I give them all sorts of grains including corn summer, winter, spring and fall, but they only get it as treats and with the number of birds I have that isn't much for each bird.

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