So forest gump (probably with help from others) got one of her booties off , im pleased to say her foot is straight her middle toe is a little crooked but not like it was at first so im thinking the other one is safe to come off

Here is the cardboard cut out i made with some of the butterfly bandaid strips i used to straighten her foot and toes , then i wrapped the whole thing with a regular bandaid
There will be 3 birds in the coop, 1 male and 2 females. We decided on making the coop out of metal because some of the older coops are deteriorating and we have replaced some of the wood on most of them. Eventually they will all have metal siding, no more rotting.

Make sure you have plenty of shade. All that metal can heat up fast around here.
All of my dogs, little and large, hit it - one time. Children, yes, definite concern. I have to remember to tell anyone walking up to my chicken coop to pay attention to the wire.

I may be heartless, but children will learn too. I give warnings and am watchful of my grands but have never seen a shock do a great deal of damage. I had one grandson (19) hit it 3 times within 5 minutes. Grandparents and Dad kept telling him to be careful but he was a little slow that day.
All of my coops have shade tables and they all were converted from wood tops to metal. They have been in the pens for a few years now and keeping the birds in the shade and out of the rain. I have since added another coop and soon will be adding the new metal coop. I also have planted trees in all of the pens which are doing well and now are big enough to give them more shade.
Sorry the picture is so dark. This was taken a couple of years or so ago. I need to update and take a new picture.
I have electric wire around all of my pens and coop. I have forgotten and gotten a good shock. A young child will get a one heck of a shock as will a predator. Adults and older kids won't get it as bad but they are larger and have more mass for the electricity to go through so the shock won't be quite as bad but will still be pretty good. It has made my heart skip a few beats when I have forgotten to turn it off and touched it.

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