Last week there were 4 headless bodies of my 12 week old BCMs in the coop in the morning. I saw the possum leaving. I had 2X4 welded wire on the coop. When they came off the roost and pressed against the wire waiting for me to let them out he pulled their heads off. I put hardware cloth around the bottom. I need to do some more preventative things.
You know, this is pretty horrendous. :( We love our chicks so much. We do everything we can; and yet bad things still happen. My RIR Leonardo was the most spectacular rooster I have ever seen. He was my baby. I had the flu two years ago - never had it before - I was SICK in bed for two days - my DH unplugged the hot wire at the bottom of the coop to turn on Christmas lights - when I finally made it out to the barn, Leonardo was gone, all that were left were feathers. My heart still aches so badly - he loved me and I loved him and I did not police the situation because I was sick and I will never get over him. I have his picture over my desk at work. So, I understand, sisters in feather, we are all in this together and need to share any bit of advice to prevent future tragedies.

Now, for my next bit of news - I AM GETTING A PEACOCK! He is a rescue. HELP. I know nothing of Peacocks and need to build him an enclosure - tomorrow morning. I am taking off of work.
I had a full grown cayote get on top of and many skunks raccoons possums etc try to claw through my moms coop. Well fastened hardware cloth is impenetrable by most any animal outside of maybe a bear.
I looked out my back window yesterday, because my roosters were going crazy. I have never seen this beautiful male in my back yard before. I wonder if someone is missing him or is he wild? Every feather looks perfect, too perfect. I waited an hour after he left my back yard to let the chickens out. He was calling for over an hour and pecking around a tree, looking at me. I didn't know if he would go after my chicken or me. He was good and kept his distance from us. I just loved it!

I looked out my back window yesterday, because my roosters were going crazy. I have never seen this beautiful male in my back yard before. I wonder if someone is missing him or is he wild? Every feather looks perfect, too perfect. I waited an hour after he left my back yard to let the chickens out. He was calling for over an hour and pecking around a tree, looking at me. I didn't know if he would go after my chicken or me. He was good and kept his distance from us. I just loved it! How cool is this! And you kind of made him sound tall, dark, and handsome like in a romance novel! I would have loved to see this!
So my husband decided to replace our latest baby buff orpington who was attacked with not one but two new little ladies. A Golden Laced Wyandotte we have named Truffles and a Wellsummer we have named Snickers.

Fluffybutt cuteness overload!!!! I so want more.... alas..... i can not. Poop.

On a side note, anyone in central florida heading to the Call of the Wild concert tonight?!??!? Still waiting to hear if we have tickets or not. And a sitter.....
I had a full grown cayote get on top of and many skunks raccoons possums etc try to claw through my moms coop. Well fastened hardware cloth is impenetrable by most any animal outside of maybe a bear.
Bears wouldn't try to eat chickens though right? Aren't they mainly eating vegetation and berries, nuts, the like round here? We have lots of bears in our neck of the woods.
I looked out my back window yesterday, because my roosters were going crazy. I have never seen this beautiful male in my back yard before. I wonder if someone is missing him or is he wild? Every feather looks perfect, too perfect. I waited an hour after he left my back yard to let the chickens out. He was calling for over an hour and pecking around a tree, looking at me. I didn't know if he would go after my chicken or me. He was good and kept his distance from us. I just loved it!

A neighbor who lives about a mile from me has Peacocks. In the spring they will roam to look for love.

Bears are omnivores which means they will eat most anything including chickens. They don't seek out the birds but if there is an opportunity they will eat one. There have been a few who have had bears do damage to their chicken coops.

Coops I could understand since they'd smell the food inside. Just can't picture any of ours eating a chicken.

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