I still have some nice cockerels that need a home. Black Ameraucanas (Sand Castle Farms). Cream Legbar (Jill Rees) Black Copper Marans (Little Peddler and Greenfire 2015 import) Some kind of predator is killing my chickens. I have had to lock up my free ranging chickens 24/7 and I don't have the room to keep them. I needed to rehome them anyway but this just pushed things up.
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My crew loves watermelon, but goes even more crazy over cantaloupe.
The seeds are not a problem. My crew likes the seeds/guts of cantaloupe as much or more than they like the flesh.

Little Arthur, my top pick for flock roo at 10 weeks old, dropped wing and danced this morning. Cutest thing I've ever seen since he still fits in the palm of my hand.
He did it at my foot... hoping that is not a bad omen. But at least he is a little guy and allows me to pick him up and pet him, so I should be able to work with him if he gets to be a stinker.
I still have some nice cockerels that need a home. Black Ameraucanas (Sand Castle Farms). Cream Legbar (Jill Rees) Black Copper Marans (Little Peddler and Greenfire 2015 import) Some kind of predator is killing my chickens. I have had to lock up my free ranging chickens 24/7 and I don't have the room to keep them. I needed to rehome them anyway but this just pushed things up.

Do you have a game camera you can set out? Quite awhile back before I put the netting over my pens, I was loosing birds. I couldn't find how anything was getting in so thought whatever was killing the birds had to be going over the fences. I put up a camera and saw it was an owl.
Quote: I was talking to another neighbor last night at a party and he was telling me about all the owls in his yard. He was amazed and I could only think oh heck. Lots of owls here and some of the loses could be owl but..... something is dragging them into the woods. Another friend is going to lend me a camera. The crows have been going crazy a lot, that is usually owls.
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I was talking to another neighbor last night at a party and he was telling me about all the owls in his yard. He was amazed and I could only think oh heck. Lots of owls here and some of the loses could be owl but..... something is dragging them into the woods. Another friend is going to lend me a camera. The crows have been going crazy a lot, that is usually crows.
Owls will carry to a nearby tree and drop the remains when they are done picking over it.
Netting over your run and calling the birds into the run/coop area with treats a bit earlier than dusk would likely resolve your loss issues if owls are the culprit.
Ooh geez! Hello! Auto reject strikes again
I kind of like your first greeting better. Welcome!

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