Hello Floridians!
My 88 year old father lives in Lutz and we were in Sunny Florida in June to visit him. My sisters and I had a wonderful visit and enjoyed the fishing in the Keys, particularly Islamorada....never saw so many iguana in one location! Had a peacock that would stroll each morning by the house.
Anyway, Dad sent me home with some cuttings and plant starts from his stroll garden for my tropical collection. I need a little help naming a few of them. Any help would be appreciated!

This one I don't have an example of the grown plant...these are 8 inches high so far, but the parent plant was 24 inches high and grows in dappled shade. not in bloom in June. The stem is rather fleshy like a geranium.

Pretty sure these are the vines...devil's ivy (giant form!) and the Split leave Philodendron Monstera deliciosa

This plant was growing in part to full sun and the "pups" are from a "bulb" from each flower...I think it is White Crinum asiaticum...

Have no idea what these little woody plants are...might be trees seedlings, but they did transplant well and are now putting out new leaves. The root was a long single root with no feeder roots. The plants are about a foot tall now and the roots were about 8 inches. The leaves are slick and ovate about 1 -1.5 inches. Dad thought they might have pink flowers.

This cactus was in bloom and was dropping sections on the ground...The mother plant was 8 feet tall with a smooth trunk that was 6 inches in diameter and the flowers were orange. It was growing in the part shade of the canopy in the garden.

I was able to purchase seed to the Royal Poinciana tree on line...both the orange and the yellow. Dad's trees were gorgeous.
You may want to try BYC's sister site, http://www.theeasygarden.com/
Health Note: lots of us have taken courses or know the risk involved with poultry but I got an email from my county office where my permit came from talking about the salmonella outbreak from Jan to June of this year. They included these helpful links and I hope all new to backyard chicken raising will take a look.


We have seen this. Wash your hands. Keep nest boxes clean. Wash your hands. Gather eggs regularly. Wash your hands. Pick up chickens, rabbit, quail, dogs, cats, ferrets, iguanas, snakes, et al. Wash your hands. Clean up after anyone or anything. Wash your hands.
Anyone interested in some cockerels? I have a few I need to find homes for as I have too many. These are NOT hatchery stock or culls. I just need to downsize. I have Partridge Cochins, Partridge Brahmas, Black Brahmas, & a Splash Blue Partridge Brahma. I'm asking $5 firm for these guys. Pick up only at this time!
*Pics are of parent stock.

Yesterday, I was working and got home late last night. Not one egg in the big walk-in coop. I looked everywhere and nothing. My hens always lay at least 4 eggs a day. Most of the time it's 5-7 eggs a day. I have 7 hens and not one day goes by without eggs. I checked to make sure all my hens and rooster where there. Everyone was counted for. I started looking to see if, a chicken ate the eggs, if I could see any snake tracks or someone stole the eggs. I couldn't find anything to back up my theory. I know it's hot outside, but I always get eggs. Maybe all 7 took the day off. I think something happen, but the rain washed away the evidence. I could just be crazy about my babies and don't like any change!
Anyone interested in some cockerels? I have a few I need to find homes for as I have too many. These are NOT hatchery stock or culls. I just need to downsize. I have Partridge Cochins, Partridge Brahmas, Black Brahmas, & a Splash Blue Partridge Brahma. I'm asking $5 firm for these guys. Pick up only at this time!
I take my extra cockerels to area swaps and shows to sell. There is a feed store down the road from me that will buy birds for $5.00 each and there have been times when I have bartered for feed but I do order my feed from them.
So what you are saying is wash your hands,got it.
Wait...we're suppose to wash our hands? hehe Henkeeper, I'm just funning. We talk like that when we're working to get a point nailed into our kids. Recon if we repeat the important part enough, they'll get it.
Yesterday, I was working and got home late last night. Not one egg in the big walk-in coop. I looked everywhere and nothing. My hens always lay at least 4 eggs a day. Most of the time it's 5-7 eggs a day. I have 7 hens and not one day goes by without eggs. I checked to make sure all my hens and rooster where there. Everyone was counted for. I started looking to see if, a chicken ate the eggs, if I could see any snake tracks or someone stole the eggs. I couldn't find anything to back up my theory. I know it's hot outside, but I always get eggs. Maybe all 7 took the day off. I think something happen, but the rain washed away the evidence. I could just be crazy about my babies and don't like any change!
That's weird. Was the walk in open? Like, we leave our girls barn open during the day so's to air out Maybe if you got one, set up a trail cam? All your girls not laying like that, sudden like, is weird.

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