tigercreek I will be bringing 2 pairs of Ameracaunas that are laying but I wont split them up have to go 1 roo 1 hen apiece. I also have a lonely white orpington hen that just started laying and lots and lots of other chickens too.
I've been looking for a White Orp For a long time, an have her Pleseeeee
Hi chics in the sun, please post your swap on the thread:Upcoming Florida Swaps.... you'll get more people to see it. Thanks for doing your part to infect the rest of the population with 'chicken fever' HA!!!!!
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I'm on there, too! I'm EVERYWHERE.
Since the one in Novemeber was my first swap and I didn't have enough chicks and chickens for people to buy/ trade, I am making sure EVERYONE sees it for this one.

On another note, I was contacted by someone looking to re-home two RIR's and two EE's (POL pullets) if anyone is interested, let me know.
looking for someone who lives in the tampa area to help me out. i need to buy medicated chick starter feed and some galvanized feeder and waterers for a decent price. Where should i go in tampa to get these items. thanks

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