your secret bis safe with me!!!! i got the ones that look like mallards. hope they hatch cause i have one lonely hen
I wanted call ducks SOOOO BAD, but I decided they would be too loud for a neighborhood. You let me know how it goes.
I think I'll get Mandrins instead - once the aviary is done. Maybe in the fall - the cream ones would be SO NEAT.
Cool !!! what are you going to go with it?
you already have my address just in case you want him to come to Disney and stay here for awhile

I wonder what color he will be, cause you know there will be a feather popping up some where
he is adorable
I'm in West Palm Beach and always put my chicks out as early as I can get away with it. I'd rather have them pooping in the grass rather in a box I have to clean. I put them out during the daytimes after a week or two, and make them stay out overnight once they've feathered out and have gotten too big to tempt the snakes. I put them in a bottomless cage so they're protected from harm and block the sides where breezes could bother them. Sometimes I'll run an extension cord out and hang a light in a corner for them if they seem to be complaining more than they're playing.
So you gonna let the broody leghorn of your hatch out the duck eggs ?

That would be too cool!
I can see it now, Proud skinny white leghorn momma surrounded my strange looking and sounding chicks that go Quack, Quack, Quack instead of cheep, cheep, cheep.
vanilla.exe :

Does anybody here know where I can find silkies near St. Augustine?

check with freckle face farm. I don't know how close she is too you, but she does have connections and may be able to locate a source closer to you if she is too far away.​
So you gonna let the broody leghorn of your hatch out the duck eggs ?

That would be too cool!
I can see it now, Proud skinny white leghorn momma surrounded my strange looking and sounding chicks that go Quack, Quack, Quack instead of cheep, cheep, cheep.

That leghorn is so crazy, she wouldn't care at all. She would still be defending them from the other chickens and letting them climb all over her without even noticing they look funny.
I'm wondering if she will go broody again soon. I'll get some of your Speckled Sussex eggs if she does. I don't think she could quite take care of Mandrin's, though.....
I can't wait to move my little chicks outside. My husband has been slacking with putting up my post but we are more than half way there. I keep reminding him as soon as it's up I can move them out with a light on in the shed at night.

Nava I have been thinking about Sebastopol gooslings ever since I saw yours... Good thing they are pricey or I would of grabbed 2 off of you at this upcoming swap.

I have a chain-linked area that is not used that I could put a couple pools ..... One day
...... One day
check with freckle face farm. I don't know how close she is too you, but she does have connections and may be able to locate a source closer to you if she is too far away.

I'm going on vacation in July in St. Augustine and live pretty close to F.Freckles I might be able to meet you with some chickens but don't know if you can wait that long...lol

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