no eggs from Wobble yet, she is still trying to intergrate into flock. She is very timid and shy. Has most fun when Erin takes her out of chicken yard and lets her play in the grass.............when tired she goes back to pin.
Enjoying the heat everyone?
I had to rinse my glasses a few times to see!
Hey guys it occurred to me that I need to confess and purge; yes, confess and purge!!!

Okay, here goes . . .

I have never held a live chicken and truth be known, I have not seen one up close and personal! PHEW, there, got that off my chest.
Can't wait until the pics on our new website are from our lil farm and when I post some live ones here. 3-4 months and counting, oh yeah.

Goodnight all. Hug the chicks for Auntie Lyric.
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Not that I have found. We have one here on MI who helps our son by signing off on his science project with live animals. They are next to the DMV, but I don't know if they treat as well.

What's wrong?
Hi from NE Florida, specifically the Middleburg area! We are on our way to raising chickens but I am still researching the breeds and such. Can anyone in the Middleburg area suggest breeds that do better here over others. Has anyone tried Ameraucanas? Any other tips on raising chickens in this area? We plan to put the coop in an area that gets afternoon shade to help with the heat. Look forward to learning everything I can!


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