Since we're on the topic of being disappointed with products others supply... I just realized something from the ad for the coop I purchased ( http://spacecoast.craigslist.org/grd/2439135540.html )

It says, "All coops made of solid wood, screened with heavy duty hardware cloth to keep your birds safe and topped with a galvanised tin roof. There is a loft and roost area with a small door to collect the eggs. Comes with a basic feeder and water fount. Just set it level on four pads and you're done."

I wish mine was screened with heavy duty hardware cloth! If it were, nothing bad would have happened to my birdies. I had no idea that the "chicken wire" he used to save money was bad... I didn't even know it was chicken wire & not hardware cloth! City girl learning lots here!!!

He's been pretty nice about everything, but the fact that I noticed that just now & remembered back when I ordered it a month ago the book I was reading recommended that so I thought... oh great, he uses the right stuff. GRRRR! Not sure what to do.
I would email him with the ad and ask that he please correct the coop to his stated specifications. If not... your hubby is a lawyer right?
Maybe he just doesn't know the different between hardware cloth and chicken wire? The pictures have chicken wire from what I can see. I would print this ad NOW because when he realizes that he is advertising "in writing" falsely he may change the add. The pictures don't show the hardware cloth so he might try to pull some "you misunderstood" crap.
Progressive Homemaker, awesome blog! YOU NEED TO MEET MY FRIENDS RACHEL & ZACHARY IMMEDIATELY! You guys would be BFF. Zach has been wanting to get into beekeeping, etc.. for years. They just got an acre on McGregor (near San Carlos) & they are zoned "agricultural" (one of the last properties zoned this way in the area.) They have a couple of goats that had a baby & they aspire to have chickens & other things.

I just moved over to Melbourne from Fort Myers. We lived in the towers on First St (St Tropez then Beau Rivage) so there's no way we would have had "balcony chickens." I only just read "Urban Homesteading." If someone gave me that book a few years back, though, OF COURSE I would have balcony silkies!


The coop crafter wrote me:

Hi Heather,

Yes, I merged all my ads (from Spring) into one and overlooked that because that is the verbiage for the little coops on legs. I have made several coops like yours with chicken wire, based on my own coop, and haven't had any problems in years. However, all the new Homesteads will use the same wire that is on your door. I was using chicken wire on the Homestead to lower the cost and I know that it does work. Hardware cloth is over twice the cost and I am trying to keep my prices affordable for people. The new wire is midway in cost between the two and stronger, so I am switching to it. I am building another new one and will use it for pictures and fix my ad. I apologise for the confusion.

Heather, if you would like, I will replace your wire. Like I said, I do this because it is something I am interested in and want to promote people getting backyard chickens. I also want to be true to my word, and it is important to me that you are satisfied with your coop. I can come over next Tuesday after work and switch it to hardware cloth for you. It will take me about 30-45 minutes or so. Then we will both feel like your birds are safe from the hawk and everything else!

Thanks and let me know,


WOW! I am glad he is changing his plans with the wire he uses, offering to drive TO MY HOUSE & fix mine... he lives about an hour away!!!! What a super guy! Other than this little defect/mishap, I am happy with my coop. It's nice to see my one month old EE's starting to perch on the roost inside & they are hop hop hopping around & trying to fly here, there, & everywhere.

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