I am so glad he is going to correct the problem! Back to what FLChickens said if he attaches with staples you are going to want to go back and use wood screws and washers to attach it so that other things can't get in. You saw my set up.. I am TOTALLY not predator proof right now but at least I know how to do it right.. when I get around to it.. LOL.. err, I mean.. when it isn't 110 degrees outside with a humidity of the same..
AspiringUrbaniteFarmer, tell your friends I am always happy to meet like minds especially in my own area! I am already jealous of their 1 acre on McGregor and I haven't even seen it! I am freaking out wondering If they are neighbros to my good friend who lives out that way...Tell them to feel free to contact me via my blog.

I am so glad the coop maker of yours is going to back his product so well! Good for you and him and your chickens!
AspiringUrbaniteFarmer, tell your friends I am always happy to meet like minds especially in my own area! I am already jealous of their 1 acre on McGregor and I haven't even seen it! I am freaking out wondering If they are neighbros to my good friend who lives out that way...Tell them to feel free to contact me via my blog.

I am so glad the coop maker of yours is going to back his product so well! Good for you and him and your chickens!

Isn't nice to see someone who stands behind their word. That is getting harder and harder to find now days.
I'm in Jacksonville, Florida. We just got our first 3 pullets this week. I think they are outlaws though.
But tons of folks have chickens in town so I hope it goes ok. Because I'm NOT getting rid of them.
Not that I have found. We have one here on MI who helps our son by signing off on his science project with live animals. They are next to the DMV, but I don't know if they treat as well.

What's wrong?

It appears he either has a slipped tendon or splay leg or something. He can't walk on the one leg.

I found one- in Titusville- Dr. Harry Prussner @ Young's Hospital. Just in case one needs a chicken vet...........
all you central floridans the chicken whisperer is going to be in Daytona Beach tomorrow check out his facebook page Chicken Whisperer he wants to meet up for dinner with some chicken folks
I live in Mulberry, Fl. (Central Florida)
I raise pure araucana, Easter Eggers, a pair of silkies that I would like to swap or sell. (White roo, and partridge pullet).
I have 7 RRR hens, 2 light brown leghorn hens, 1 blue laced red wyandotte, 6 EE hens, 2 EE roosters (Want to sell or swap these also) they are araucana and white leghorn mix. they are white and have gray legs. I have 2 pure araucana hens, and four roosters. I also 2 baby araucanas that are a pullet and roo. I would like to sell or trade at least 2 of the araucana roos. Got them as babies, and as you know, you never know what you will get that way..
Does anyone happen to be in the market for some silkie roos? I have the following I need to find homes for: 1 white, 1 white with a splash tail, 1 partridge. The partridge seems to have a seizure disorder triggered by crowing. He is perfectly happy/healthy/normal otherwise.

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