Nava how much are a doz eggs of yours? And do you show yours?

a doz? for big floridachicken1958!!!! same as your roosters cost?

yes I've been showing mine, so you can say they are show birds but they have not won anything, does that make them not show birds?

That all depends on who is buying!
Oh wow, it'll be like Christmas when they hatch! I've never had any Ancona, but Orpingtons are sweethearts. Yours are the only lavender and splash Turkens I've ever seen - very pretty. I'd like to get some from you some day. Just have to build another pen first, DH will never notice...


yes I got an order to send out and I got some for me too, also some Anconas and English Orps
Yay! Most people don't realize the work that hens put into producing their eggs. Having given birth twice, I can't help but make that connection as I'm watching a hen strain (imagine dealing with that nearly every day?) I always say thank you to my feathered girls for their hard work...their eggs feel like a gift.

It's cute when they get excited - love your chicken sounds! Angel's not laying yet, she did decide to take a good dirt bath today, though. It took a long wash with whitening shampoo, followed by a blowout, to get her pretty again. Now she's decided her favorite spot is the back of my daughter's computer chair - spoiled girl!

haha Ya Star & Sparkle are getting slightly spoiled themselves! Comet was giving himself a dirt bath today in the run a long w/ our EE's & it was hilarious to watch him roll around like a big white puff ball next to them being so small...

& I have 3 sons in which 2 of whom were born natural w/ no drugs! Our oldest I had an epidural but he only weighed 6lbs 10 oz at 3 weeks early, so when our 2nd one came along I figured hey why not lets go natural... Ya he was 8lbs 2oz, then our 3rd son born this past February I had natural as well at 9lbs 1oz!! Having gone through this I was quite emotional sitting there w/ Sparkle this evening. I was on the phone w/ my mom & she was laughing at me for being like that with her, but man I can't imagine trying to push & nothing happen! AAAAHHHHH


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