Per my earlier post, we've decided to just say screw it and keep our rooster. Let's just pray I can get a job before anyone makes a bigger fuss about the crowing, once I'm gainfully employed I am buying LAND

Hey guys- Anyone going to the swap at TSC in Dunellon this Saturday, Sept. 24th? I'm possibly going, and am looking for a few older pullets / younger hens...does anyone currently have anything for sale in the Tampa Bay area, or is it too soon to ask? I am interested in several breeds- LF Cochins, EE / Ameraucanas, white leghorns, barred rocks, buff orpingtons, possibly Jersey Giants...let me know!
Don't forget anyone who buys chicks directly from a hatchery or a local TSC/feed store will have EE's not Ameraucana even though they were most likely told differently. I love our EE hens and all of the feather coloring that comes with them.
I have some Ameraucanas that should be getting ready to lay soon. They are 18 weeks old, only have one or 2 to share. You might be able to talk me out of a couple of rocks too, but if you want barred, they would be young, but great stock. Out of Good Shepherd birds! I can help you FOR SURE if you are looking to get a sweet young rooster
I also have a couple of black rocks from Halo's birds that hatched from her blue/black/splash eggs. I'm just across the bridge. .....stan
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