very cute
Hello fellow Floridians! Just thought I'd pop in and see if anyone wants to adopt 2 super sweet Nubian goat boys (can be wethered). They're both "special needs" so I'd like them to go to a home where someone can keep an eye on them and fatten them up.
The older buck (about 5 yrs old) has some arthritis in one elbow and gets around ok most of the time, but isn't up to breeding any more. The younger guy (about a year old) was born to a very sick dam, had to be tube fed, and barely pulled through, but has always been a fighter. His growth was somewhat stunted, so I won't use him in my breeding program and he needs a little extra TLC (and food) from time to time. Both of them were bottle raised, are super sweet, and love to follow you around and give kisses. Let me know if you'd like to give them a good home. They're free to anyone who will take the time with them. Thanks!
Anybody out there need/want a rooster? I've got a bunch I hatched out this summer - several colors of halo's "white/wheaten" Ameraucana roo crossed with EEs (many with lots of blue in different patterns, a few reds, a black/white lacy one), a few that are black or black with gold hackles from Plymouth rock breeding, one "white/wheaten" Ameraucana, and one GCM X Welsummer.

They were all hatched in late June or mid-July. I would like to give them a chance for a good home - they are so pretty, I hate to kill them, but something has to be done!

They are all healthy, vaccinated for Marek's and fowl pox, and wormed with Valbazen. Used to free-ranging (until lately, when I confined them to spare the poor little sister pullets).
Here is a link for the leaders contact at bottom of page. But it takes awhile to get it but you will be contacted by phone when a date is made for your testing. http://www.hcfair.net/Livestock/Poultry Clinic/NATIONAL POULTRY IMPROVEMENT PLAN.pdf

Thanks! My Google-Fu was really failing me on this one.

They are really nice people when they come out to check your chickens.But just have all your chickens penned when your appt. is due cause they will ask you to bring them 1 at a time.and it takes a short time to test them..Good Luck on your testing.
Hi everybody. I haven't had time to catch up on all the posts I've missed over the past couple weeks, but
to all the newcomers, and I hope everyone is well.

Seems like just yesterday my biggest stress was venomous snakes, stray dogs and hawks, but recently we've had to deal with the ultimate predator: humans! Recently, our neighborhood has experienced criminal activity, and until the police can get it under control I don't even feel safe spending time outside with my animals. It's pretty depressing. The house where all the activity is occurring looks directly onto the side of my property where my coops are, so although my pets are having their basic needs met, I can't really let them out and sit and watch them like I normally like to do, knowing that career criminals could be watching me out their window! Ugh - my nerves are frazzled.

After the last aggressive dog incident, I was going to buy myself a .22 for Christmas, but with this going on I decided to upgrade. I'll be able to pick up my new firearm when my background check is complete, and I plan on spending some of my Christmas break practicing at the range. Hopefully, with that, good common sense, and the police, I'll be able to keep myself, my family, and all my pets safe!
Hi Dianne, Angel is well. Poor thing is still broody and we put some fertile eggs under her, but she'll sit intensely for awhile, then get up, scatter them, and let them get cold! I guess she just needs more practice. She'll be a good momma one of these days! Her favorite treat is still sunflower seeds, but ...got to go, sheriff is at my neighbor's house!!

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