Congratulations FlaRocky And now business as usual. I didn't know we were Always Sunny Side up but I like it. Well I reintroduced my Roo in training back to the flock and this time he has learned his manners and has learned the meaning of foreplay, so ......... He's staying.
And you all know how I like to post pics. Took these this morning. Finally got a good close up.

K, I will be going to the Tractor Supply Swap this coming up weekend!!!
who's going to Dunnellon? and what are you bringing.

you know what I'm bringing.............. right stan,

What swap are you going to this week-end, Brooksville, or Winter Haven?? I'm not on vacation this week, and I have a bunch of Aussie and a few Delaware chicks. I might finally get to meet you! Just don't try to sway ME with them half nekkid chickens! ....stan
What swap are you going to this week-end, Brooksville, or Winter Haven?? I'm not on vacation this week, and I have a bunch of Aussie and a few Delaware chicks. I might finally get to meet you! Just don't try to sway ME with them half nekkid chickens! ....stan

you know you want some

I'll be in Dunnellon, wait..............

OK, Anybody and All....
Who has what for sale? And are you going to any of the swaps? I have a friend looking to get some pullets. She has not decided what to get yet. So she can look to see what is local.

Hey! I haven't gotten further along on this thread than here --- BUT

We - at the Spring Hill Heritage Poultry Conservatory - are going to a swap on April 1st!​

We have hatched out over 100 chicks. And the incubator is full of eggs!

-- But of course we are having vehicle problems with the SUV being down.... arrrrgh...

I'll post a link to the info.


We will also be co-hosting a swap in ZephyrHills sometime later in April.

Presenting a Basic Chicken Care class and bringing birds. We'll also have "Kits" available.​

Handmade movable chicken houses/tractors/arks/coops (what ever is your jargon of choice) All proceeds go to the non-profit.



My word!

This moves thread moves at the speed of lightening!

Haven't been on in a few days and I'm lost already!

Okay -- tomorrow I will try to get info to the gal who wants to mail her bird, we do it all the time - even full size male peacocks.
As I scrolled through I saw lots of birds that I wanted to know more about - but's it 1am and I have a big project due by 9am!


I just heard that some nice people went to the Spring Hill Heritage Poultry Conservatory today and asked for Widget (!!!!!!)

Who? Who? Who?

She wasn't there because Soule and I are working in St Petersburg at the moment - and she's a "Traveling Chicken."

But I had to stop what I was doing when I got the call to say how excited Soule was to hear Widget was famous. And of course post a photo of her.

Bridget and Max​

We were doubly sorry not to be there at the SHHPC today because we heard her little sister "Bridget" had her first egg today. Eggg -xciting.

Bridget is a Blue Frizzled Bantam Cochin. And get this - her husband - very much by her choice - is a Mille Fluer Serama Cockeral named Maximilian. Yep. We are gonna hatch that egg - or see if she is going to get all broody like Widget. I wish I could drive up tomorrow!

Soooo. We'll have to tell you about the HUGE love affair between Bridget and Max. It's epic.
This is an image of Widget from today - she's standing outside the "play pen" trying to coax the shy chicks like the little Serama "Twins" to come around to her side. We've put paper all over the floor so they could run around the tiled living room tonight. The two chicks with her are two of the Modern Triplets she hatched. The first two to hatch and the first two to do everything. Especially the very oldest, or "Mod 1" as he's called. He so "brave" he'd probably have been eaten by a hawk by now if he was a farm free range kinda chickee. Here it means he gets extra pets and yummy bits.

These will be incredible tame chickens. Hand-raised doesn't cover it. If only we could house break them too!

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