So habe you ever been looking at pictures of chicke s and then ssee a pic of abreed that majes you stop in yout tracks and say i must have that bird? It just happened to me

Salmon faverollez. I am suddenly obsessed. Must find them asap
I have them , Dorkings, Lemon Cookoo Orphs and Swedish Flowers due to hatch in a week or so!
I have a warm fuzzy feeling to share with you Florida folks.

I took my older Wheaten Roo outside for the first time. He's into his third week of age. He was acting a bit Lethargic and I thought some space and foraging might do him good. He was a bit overwhelmed by all the wide open space and being alone . He just stood there. After about five mins I could tell he was still uncomfortable.
I said in a soothing voice;
"it's going to be ok."

He glanced over to me about 4 feet away and did two hops and flew over to perch on my knee.

I am loved.
feels good man.
I have a warm fuzzy feeling to share with you Florida folks.

I took my older Wheaten Roo outside for the first time. He's into his third week of age. He was acting a bit Lethargic and I thought some space and foraging might do him good. He was a bit overwhelmed by all the wide open space and being alone . He just stood there. After about five mins I could tell he was still uncomfortable.
I said in a soothing voice;
"it's going to be ok."

He glanced over to me about 4 feet away and did two hops and flew over to perch on my knee.

I am loved.
feels good man.

What a sweet story!!

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