We just came in after digging out our coops.  Way too much rain!  We had to dig little trenches so it would drain so they could have a sort of dry spot to stand in.  I really feel sorry for the neighbors behind us - their house is the lowest spot in the neighborhood. 

Our surprise this morning -  This tree folded our 4-foot fence like an accordion!  At least it's not the fence into the back yard, so the chickens are still secure in their coops.  We have lots of smaller branches down, too, and more of this wonderful weather still coming.  Thanks Debby!  I can't believe I was begging for rain just a few weeks ago.

Do you have any pallets?? And some blocks? Put a couple of pallets on blocks and they can get out of the wet. Can cover with hay for them to snuggle down into.

I am thankful to have a horse barn as my coop. 2 stalls worth for right now....

We dug trenches to drain the water, so there is some actual ground that isn't flooded in there now. Most of them roost, but I have a couple that won't jump, they're just too big. We don't often get this much rain at a time and for the last hour or two it hasn't rained, so maybe things will be okay. Everybody is spread out in several coops and cages, so even Princess Stupid, who doesn't have enough sense to come out of the rain, is under a roof tonight. We do have pallets in one end of the lowest pen, so that one is sort of dry.
Finally got my signal back. The downpours are still coming in waves. Everyone got outside for a short while and the young pullets were the last to go in. :he I just wish they knew which way this monsoon was going. LOL I know we needed the rain but did we have to get it all at once.
So Sorry for everyone with rain troubles!
Question? I quit getting messages sent to my email about a week ago.How come???Even though I dont participate I love getting the emails!!!
Been raining here since sometime late Saturday night and slowly steadily growing stronger all day. The weather guy on WUFT said it may not stop until Monday afternoon or even sometime Tuesday. If it keeps on the way it's been raining these last three hours I may well get more precipitation than I got from Frances and Jeanne combined back in '04.

No damage so far (soundly knocking on wood!) but the Sunday chores were sure an adventure today. Normally takes about two hours to move the tractors then refill all of the waterers and feeders. Took more than three hours this time thanks to having to go to extra care to keep the feed dry. Nice lightning flash to go with the increasing wind. Probably lose power soon. Weather Service says we may get gusts into the mid-forties so if that's as bad as it gets I'll be happy. Tornado watch until 5 a.m. Monday.

The birds are as protected as I can make them. At least they were all able to go to roost with a crop full of feed.

Everyone be safe. Tropical storms aren't much for wind speed, but when we get one that stalls the way Debby is doing it can drop record breaking rain with all the joys that such brings. Take care!
Oh gosh this rain is awful. My coop/run is apparently a little kow lying so its flooded. So maby of my chicken friends have lost birds rhe pasr few weeks i got a little freaked and brought the birds onto the back porch into my grow out pen.

Side note....i free range my chickens a lot but still provide feed. However i noticed today that when i picked then up i could feel that middle bone on the breast. Is that ok or is that considered a bad thing? I have seen no signs of parasitez anf evergone is healthy. I figured they were hot and maybe they est less? The bone isnt scary protruding but k was surpeised that o could feel it that well.
ts been raining here non stop since early saturday night This is one time I am happy to be Sugar Sand Farm. Sand doesnt flood like dirt or grass. lol They say it will be raining here until next saturday so I guess we will be feeding inside for the whole week. Really hate doing chores in the pouring rain
Well, there was one advantage to all that rain and flooding inside the coops. When we dug trenches for the water to drain, it washed the chicken poop out with it. Now if it every dries out, we will have nice clean coops!

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